After-Credits Scene in Iron Man 2?

An early warning for you opening night movie-goers: don’t leave the theater before the credits are over!

According to an Italian website with sources close to the movie, there will be an Easter Egg scene at the end of Iron Man 2, similar to the one with Nick Fury at the end of the first Iron Man flick. What will the scene be about? Let’s find out in a hilariously poor translation of the Italian from the page:

Vocifereva for a long time of this possibility (however, the same one with the first episode had happened), but the details were not known. Well, we can say to you that the scene will regard Capitan America and Thor!

From what we know, the Universal will try to awaken all the shopkeepers to project this sequence, being considered the importance that it has also for the future of the supereroistiche films of the Marvel Studios. In effects, if us thoughts, from the cinemas can also be seen like a kind of spot and therefore because cutting it in order to save some minute? We, like already made in past will ask, you to signal on the forum the correct shopkeepers and those which instead have made the clever ones, in order then to speak of in an article…

There you have it.

Iron Man 2 is in Theaters May 7th, starring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L. Jackson, and more!

Source: Bad Taste
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Posted originally: 2010-04-15 12:49:38

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