Bedard on GLC, Tomasi on new GL Series: Emerald Warriors!

As Tony Bedard takes over as writer of Green Lantern Corps, the GLC creative team starts up a new series: Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors.

Bedard’s GLC, which will star Green Lanterns Kyle Rayner, John Stweard, and Ganthet (yes, Ganthet), will be a part of the Brightest Day event. Bedard had this to say about it:

"This is far and away the most exciting gig of my career. When they called to offer me the job and Geoff literally said, ‘Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps’ I felt like I’d put on a power ring. Now I just have to play up to Pete Tomasi’s impossibly high standards–!"

Tomasi’s Emerald Warriors will star Guy Garnder and Killowog. Comment from Tomasi:

"I’m really excited to be working on this new series, expanding the mythology and franchise of the Green Lantern Universe."

Green Lantern Corps with Tony Bedard

Source: The Source
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Posted originally: 2010-02-12 14:49:58

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