Best Cover Art This Week 10-20-21

New comic book release day 10/20/21. New comic releases are subject to change.
These are our favorite comic covers from the new arrivals this week. 
What are your favorite covers this week?
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Click on the artist’s name and see more of their amazing artwork available on eBay.

Gunslinger #1Brett Booth
Spider-Woman #16Jung-Geun Yoon
Nightwing #85Bruno Redondo
Batman Catwoman #8Jim Lee

Jung-Geun Yoon
Brett Booth
Bruno Redondo
Jim Lee

King Spawn #3Bjorn Barends
Phoenix Song Echo #1Leinil Francis Yu
X-Men Trial Of Magneto #3Peach Momoko
King Spawn #3Jonathan Glapion

Leinil Francis Yu
Bjorn Barends
Peach Momoko
Jonathan Glapion

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