Colorist Jeff Balke Nominated for Award!

Acclaimed colorist Jeff Balke (Grimm Fairy Tales, Tales From Neverland, Zombies vs Cheerleaders, John Carpenters Asylum and many more), is nominated for the Shel Dorf Award for Colorist of the Year! 

“Founded in 2010, along with the inaugural Detroit Fanfare, the Shel Dorf awards are dedicated to recognizing the comic industries best and brightest talents. Like Shel, another Detroit native, the awards are most concerned with the fan perspective, giving the fans unprecedented say in the nomination and voting process.

The Shel Dorf awards proudly celebrate the best of our industries present while honoring the unique place that Detroit has in comic fandom’s past.” – Shel Dorf Award Website Jeff, besides being an amazing color artist, is also one of the greatest guys you will meet in the business.  If you get the chance to meet him at any of the shows this year (check out his website, do it!  He takes his fans to heart and REALLY loves what he does.

So vote today for Colorist Jeff Balke at

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