Dark Horse to Publish New Conan Book with Roy Thomas?!
That seems to be the first bit of major news coming out of C2E2… and it hasn’t even started yet!!!
Right now we need to treat this news as simply a rumor, but Rich Johnston is reporting on this, saying that the current Dark Horse Conan series will end with issue #25, and a new series, King Conan, will launch next year, written by legend Roy Thomas!
A creator of this legendary magnitude returning to a classic property is huge news, similar to Chris Claremont’s recent ongoing X-Men Forever series, or a hypothetical situation like a new Avengers book written by… well, Roy Thomas. In any case, Johnston also reports that Dark Horse presents will be returning next year as well.
Let’s get Barry Windsor-Smith on art please! Make it happen, Dark Horse!
Source: Bleeding Cool
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Posted originally: 2010-04-15 19:09:42