Fashion Beast: Posthumous Malcolm McLaren Graphic Novel w/ Alan Moore!

Avatar Press will publish Fashion Beast, a graphic novel based on the screenplay written by Alan Moore for Malcolm McLaren’s planned movie.

The proposed film, which punk rock mastermind McLaren tried repeatedly to make in the eighties, was to be a semi-autobiographical modern day retelling of the Beauty and the Beast tale. Moore wrote the screenplay in 1985, but the movie was obviously never made. Moore had the following to say about the project in 2000:

That was great. It was the only time I’ve – I’ve got no interest in writing for films at all, or getting anywhere near Hollywood or stuff like that but Malcolm McLaren got in touch with me and said that he’d got two or three film properties that he’d like to develop, would I like to meet up with him, choose one of them and see if I could come up with anything? So I met up with him, he’s a charming bloke, he’s really funny, really intelligent and certainly did alright by me.

Of course, McLaren, whose shameless exploitation of punk rock combined with brutal honesty made him an oddly beloved figure amongst certain circles (like the one this reporter runs in), died last week at age 64.

Head to Bleeding Cool, which is of course published by Avatar Press, for more info on this project, which will be published next year, and will be adapted for comics by Antony Johnston and drawn by Facundo Percio.

Malcolm McLaren and Alan Moore - Fashion Beast

Source: Bleeding Cool
Syndicated from The Outhouse – The Greatest Comic Book Website
Posted originally: 2010-04-12 00:38:44

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