Gratuitously Sexual Image in Detective Comics?

ATTN: horny fanboys – an image from the latest issue of Detective Comics shows a side of Batwoman that you’ve never seen before.

Bleeding Cool brought to our attention this image, which is apparently causing some commotion in the vagina-obsessed internet comics community:


The reverse view camel toe is even more apparent when the image is enlarged:

Batwoman Enlarged

Sure, some might say that this is obviously the folds of Batwoman’s skin-tight costume, but that wouldn’t make for much of a story, would it? Also, we don’t get out much here in the internet comics community.

There is no comment yet from writer Greg Rucka or artist J.H. Williams III.

On a serious note, the mainstream comic book industry is very careful about avoiding controversial imagery such as characters smoking or consuming alcohol, especially DC, who recently recalled a printing of a Superman comic to change the beer that Superman was drinking on the cover to "soda." However, when it comes to objectifying women, or showing gruatuitously sexual images, there seems to be no concern at all. In fact, it seems that this particular image is not even the MOST shockingly sexual in this book.

Is this a morality issue, a fear of negative attention, or simply an admission that the mainstream comics audience is predominantly male and sort of pervy? Is it a combination of the three?

Luckily, The Outhouse is here to bring these issues to the forefront.

Source: Bleeding Cool
Syndicated from The Outhouse – Comic Community Run By Fanboys, For Fanboys
Posted originally: 2009-09-25 11:38:05

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