Hot Picks Top 5 #46
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Every week before new comic book day, here are the Top 5 NEW comics to speculate/read from this Wednesday. This list is pulled straight from the latest (weekly) InvestComics Hot Picks article.
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Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid right now.
Hot Picks Top 5 based on InvestComics Hot Picks #408 and new comics coming this Wednesday 1/27/16. Click the link to read the article now.
Hot Picks #408 video below:
InvestComics YouTube (Subscribe) – HERE
NOTE. Please understand that when InvestComics releases the Hot Picks article on Friday that many of the independent comics may not be available on Ebay yet. Most of the time, some of the more obscure titles make their way onto Ebay later on in the week or right on/at/before new comic book day on Wednesday. Be sure to check back and click the links or cover(s) to see if the books you want have been listed on Ebay. They usually show up, so be sure to check back!
We are not responsible for comics not shipped on time and or changing of release dates regarding this article or any article on InvestComics. We report on the comics DUE out the coming week. We have NO control of release dates nor will we change our article to accommodate a change in shipping, release date or cancellation.
Faith #1 – The Hot Pick of the week! Written by Jody Houser, art from Francis Portela and Marguerite Sauvage. Check out the InvestComics review of this comic right HERE. This comic is so hot right now that your comic shop will receive the second print on Wednesday along with the first print! Make sure to pick up the first print. This comic has upside.
Bloodshot Reborn #10 – Valiant has TWO top 5 picks this week! Bloodshot is Analog Man in this new story arc and the pencil variant is a beauty.
Deadpool and Cable Split Second #2 – The first appearance of Loop.
Henchgirl #4 – All previous issues have sold out. And guess what? Just guess. You’re probably right, but we’ll say it anyway. Henchgirl #4 is sold out!
Harbinger #1 (1992)- When, not IF, when Faith #1 takes off, so will this comic. The first appearance of Zephyr (Faith).
Here are the rest of the comics that appeared on this past week’s InvestComics Hot Picks #408 (Click the link to read now!)
Click the Red links (or comic covers) to buy/bid now if your comic shop is not able to hook you up!
Shazam #1 (1973) – IC 100 Club Pick.
Monstress #3
Suicide Squad Most Wanted Deadshot Katana #1
Superman Lois and Clark #4
We Are Robin #8
All-New All-Different Avengers #4
Old Man Logan #1
Scales Of Time #1
Strayer #1
Cry Havoc #1
Victorie City #1
Invest wisely. Read comics.
Carpe Diem.
Jay Katz