Hot Picks Top 5 #61

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Hot Picks Top 5 based on InvestComics Hot Picks #423 and new comics coming this Wednesday 5/11/16. Click the link to read the article now.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid right now.
**Please, if you are a new reader or a regular reader of this article and have not seen or read the disclaimer, we urge you to read it (link provided above).
Every  week before new comic book day, here are the Top 5 NEW comics to speculate/read from this Wednesday. This list is pulled straight from the latest (weekly) InvestComics Hot Picks article.
NOTE: The InvestComics site is BEST viewed on Google Chrome!

Hot Picks Video #423 below:
InvestComics YouTube (Subscribe) – HERE

InvestComics put out a late article on Friday due to numerous request from our fans. We usually cover the Free Comic Book Day comics, but this year we were going to cover “some” on our social media outs. But many fans emailed and messaged us asking where the article was covering the FCBD 2016 comics. So we released the Free Comic Book Day 2016 Hot Picks late Friday for our fans. Click the image below and see what you may have missed. If you missed anything important, click the Red links or comic covers to see if they are available on Ebay from ALL available sellers. Thanks again for asking us to get on it! We enjoy bringing you fresh content all the time.

FCBD 2016
Free Comic Book Day 2016 Hot Picks

….Before moving ahead, we’d like to say hello to our friends over at Nerd Fu. These guys cover our Hot Picks Top 5 each and every week on their show and we want to let them know we appreciate it immensely. We listen to their superb high quality podcast each week and can say with no doubt or hesitation, they are the best podcast guys out there each and every week. It’s informative, it’s fresh, and it’s fun. Go to their website and check them out right HERE, you’ll see exactly what we’re talking about. No BS, these guys bring it. Thanks again Nerd Fu.

Action Comics #52 – DC fans are showing their love for Superman. This issue features the battle between the pre-New 52 Superman and Today’s Superman. Only one shall walk away. We’ll see about that. Anyways, the John Romita Jr. variant is sold out.

Web Warriors #7 – Spider-Punk will be joining the Web Warriors party. Check out more details in this weeks InvestComics Hot Picks #423 on what we had to say about his appearance. 

All New All Different Avengers #9 – An all new Wasp makes her first appearance.

Alan Dracon #1  – Doctor Who fans have responded to buying up this comic. Writer Stefano Martino of Doctor Who will give fans a new number one comic this week from Amigo Comics. It’s sold out at the distributor.

Black Panther #2 – The Midnight Angels are appearing in this series. Read lots more on this comic in this week’s InvestComics Hot Picks #423.

Action Comics #52
Top 5 – Click To Buy/Bid
Web Warriors #7
Top 5 – Click To Buy/Bid
All New All Different Avengers #9 Alex Ross variant
Top 5 – Click To Buy/Bid
Alan Dracon #1
Top 5 – Click To Buy/Bid
Black Panther #2
Top 5 – Click To Buy/Bid









Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All sellers on Ebay.

Here are the rest of the comics appearing in this week’s InvestComics Hot Picks #423. Click the link for more details!


IC 100 Club Pick: Uncanny X-Men #25 1966 (Graded 7.5)

Gwenpool #2
Gwenpool #2 – Click To Buy/Bid
Silk #8
Silk #8 – Click To Buy/Bid

Gwenpool #2

Silk #8

Doomwar #5 (2010)

Guardians Of The Galaxy #8

Amazing Spider-Man #10 (2015)

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #5

Venom Space Knight #7

Darth Vader #20

Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys #1

Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys #2

Satellite Falling #1

Fix #1

Fix #2

Forgive Me Father #1

Jackpot #2

Frontlines Requiem #1

Unleash #1

Penny Dreadful #1


Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All sellers on Ebay.


Invest wisely. Read comics.

Carpe Diem.

Jay Katz – Social Media Strategist


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