Hot Picks Top 5 #79
Every week before new comic book day, here are the Top 5 NEW comics to speculate/read from this Wednesday. This list is pulled straight from the latest (weekly) InvestComics Hot Picks article. Hot Picks Top 5 based on InvestComics Hot Picks #441 and new comics coming this Wednesday 9/14/16.
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Hot Picks Video #441 below:
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Before we get to the Top 5, have you seen the amazing giveaway from InvestComics/Social Media Giveaway and SemperFi Comic Guy?? Be sure to enter on the InvestComics/Social Media Giveaway social media outlets as well as subscribe to the SemperFi Comic Guy Youtube page right HERE. Read the giveaway/contest rules HERE and watch the video below!
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Before reading ahead, we feel we need to warn you that our articles contain very harsh truths in them. Not vulgar language, just a good solid dose of honesty. They always have, they always will. If you are easily offended, cannot come to terms that other people have opinions too beside yourself and especially if you’re a fanboy, discontinue reading. Go back to the other places selling you the farm. This is NOT the place for you. We’re here to have fun and not lie to you. Thank you and enjoy!
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Animosity #2 – After-Shock Comics has their second consecutive sell out with this title. Best see what all the ruckus is about!
Forevers #1 – A new Black Mask comic. It will probably do what every other new Black Mask comic does. Sell out.
Norman #4 – There seems to be a trend brewing this week. This Titan Comics series has sold out since its inception (and upon our recommendations on each and every issue of course!). Look for the fourth issue to be no exception.
Samurai Brothers In Arms #1 – Titans Comics breaks into the top 5 once again. This debut is showing some nice sales from the early onset.
Flesh Of White #1 – Cosmic Times joins the ALL independent comic top 5 this week with their sold out comic.
Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All available sellers on Ebay.
Here are the rest of the comics appearing in this week’s InvestComics Hot Picks #441. Click the link to read now!
IC 100 Club Pick: Forever People #1 (1971) 3.5.
Dark Horse Free Comic Book Day 2007
Edge Of Spider-Verse #5 (2014)
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Robin #110 (2003)
Gotham Academy Second Semester #1
Civil War Amazing Spider-Man #4
Amazing Spider-Man #1.1 (2014)
Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All available sellers on Ebay.
As most comic book fans have heard already, Marvel’s Runaways will be coming to Hulu TV. InvestComics released a Runaways checklist today for collectors to get a jump on some key books in case this series explodes. If they keep to the Brian K. Vaughn style, it will be a sure fire hit show. Check out the Runaways checklist right HERE. Enjoy!
Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All available sellers on Ebay.
Carpe Diem.
Jay Katz – Social Media Strategist