InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 2-1-12

Welcome to InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 2-1-12

The InvestComics Anthology benefiting Comic Book Legal Defense Fund; One and Done is here! Big announcement/press release on Tuesday, but for now you can order your copy right HERE! We are the number one best seller on Mira right now; take a look at the front page right HERE in case you don’t believe us! This book was a tremendous learning experience for a tremendous cause and I personally want to thank everyone involved including, David Paul, Rob McClelland, James Reed, Tate’s Comics, Mira Publishing, Sebastian Piccione, and Gary T. Becks. Thank you all!

….And to my right hand man on this project, Bob Heske of Heske Horror. Without Bob Heske, this project never comes to fruition. He is a professional, a class act, a mentor and above all a friend. Thank you.

Now on to the Hot Picks for this coming Wednesday.

It looks as though Marvel is testing the waters again with Captain America’s sidekick, err, well not Bucky, but Winter Solider in Winter Soldier #1. The character Winter Soldier created in Captain America vol. 5 #1 (2005) by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting was a well received character to say the least. The asking price for WS first appearance is $20. Not too shabby for a 2005 comic. At least it’s not falling in those quarter bins right? This comic is a great buy right now given the large amount of interest Marvel is showing towards their love for the big screen. Will there ever be a Winter Soldier solo movie? Maybe, no one knows, but it certainly would make a fantastic continuation/spinoff of the Captain America movies. Winter Soldier is a badass and speaking of badass, if you happen to have a quarter of a million dollars laying around, Captain America Comics #1 (1941) dons the first appearance of Bucky……oh and Cap too. A better investment right now than the housing market, guaranteed. This comic will be a half a million dollar book in 4 years, if not less.

…On the lighter side of things (your wallet), Uncanny X-Force #21 debuts Lady Briton? Yes Psylocke has been Captain Britain and Lady Mandarin, but never Lady Briton. Eh, either way, great comic according to Shaun Sorenson of Famous Faces & Funnies – FFFIC.

DC rolls on with their New 52. A highlight this week focuses on newbie Rankoor. Take a look at that Red Lanterns #6 cover, he looks pissed!

What’s better than a zombie book these days? How about a hot chick that kicks their asses? Well then Alpha Girl #1 is for you! Won’t be long before this is a television show…..

So that’s it for this week, be sure to order your One and Done Anthology for a great cause right HERE. Press Release coming!

Take a look at 9 covers that made the cut this week – Covers of the Week below.

See you next week, Invest wisely.

Jay Katz

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