InvestComics Hot Picks #268 – NEW InvestComics Hot Picks every Sunday!
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Welcome to the InvestComics Hot Picks for new comic releases on 5-8-13
(Disclaimer: all comic recommendations are from a speculative vantage point. Not all comics are to guarantee a return on your investment. This article is used as a guide for investments and entertainment purposes. Please use your own discretion when investing.)
What a weekend huh? The premiere of the Iron Man 3 movie, followed up by Free Comic Book Day. It’s a good time to be a comic book fan isn’t it? Does anyone remember the days of people shunning you because you liked comics? Those days are long gone now with movies like Iron Man 3 breaking box office records. So next time some ignorant person shoots you a disgruntled look over the fact you like comics, tell them that $650 million speaks more than their ignorance. That should set them straight.
As for the movie, it was good. No worries here, no spoilers. But the latest installment was a good movie. Not fantastic, not spectacular, not OMG you MUST see this or you’ll be cheating yourself out of the greatest Marvel movie ever, it was……good. In MY (and I emphasize MY) opinion, the movie scares me a bit in the sense it was a bit too much Hollywood. It didn’t feel that much like a comic book movie. Why does this “scare me?” Well, because I hope (this is ME talking now) this isn’t a sign of things to come with Marvel’s Phase 2. What I’m talking about here is the cinematic overdrive, some of the dialog, and the action itself. The action seemed a bit forced at times. The action also was happening so fast at times it’s comparable to the first Transformer movie. Even director Michael Bay said the action in the first movie was happening too fast that it’s very easy to miss things and ask yourself “what just happened?” Yes there are moments where you may be surprised (if you are a comic book fan) and then there are moments you say “really?” I for one am hoping that Thor delivers a knockout punch with some epic storytelling and cinematic visuals. It looks like from the trailer this may happen. This fall we will find out if my hope comes to fruition.
And as for Free Comic Book Day, there were lots of goodies to be had. Although it was yesterday, the InvestComics Hot Picks will give you a quick list of freebie’s you should have snagged. So without further ado, here are your InvestComics Free Comic Book Day 2013 Picks.
InvestComics – Free Comic Book Day Hot Picks
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Starting right at the top here, I hope you grabbed yourself a Walking Dead yesterday. It features a brand new story that will not be reprinted in any trades whatsoever. Did you get that? Here’s a better way of making you understand how important this freebie was to pick up. A NEW Walking Dead story, a basic limited run of sorts, no second printing happening here, not going in any trades, and oh yes it’s FREE! Check Ebay in a few days, you’ll see what you missed if you passed this (dead) puppy up. Another nice book you should have picked up is Star Wars. It features Darth Vader and Boba Fett right there on the cover! Too cool not to get. Then you have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this too is a new story. FREE. The free Superman comic features a glimpse of the new Man of Steel coming out from Scott Snyder and Jim Lee! Kellerman L’amour has clips from the upcoming graphic novel coming this fall. Molly Danger, two words: Jamal Igle. Chakra The Invincible, two more words; Stan Lee. The Red Ten from Comixtribe will be a sleeper, with a fantastic Joe Mulvey cover. There are a few more that should have been plucked out yesterday. Take a look at the images above to see if what you grabbed matches the FCBD Hot Picks. With all of the talk about what you should have grabbed, here’s the most important question of all, what about the actual stories? Below is the weekly comic book review show FFFIC reviewing some Free Comic Book Day books! Yes that’s right, the boys reviewed them last week (early) for the regular FFFIC show and InvestComics has spliced it so that you can get JUST the FCBD reviews. How cool is that? So if you missed the show last week (how could you?!? For shame!) Shaun Sorenson does point out that you should pick up The Strangers from Oni Press for good reasons, so listen up! Here are the Free Comic Book Day reviews exclusively on InvestComics Media Blip TV, enjoy.
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InvestComics Hot Picks
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On to the InvestComics Hot Picks this week, we have another week of the number one issue parade. This is crazy isn’t it? It seems every week now there are an abundance of number one and zero issues coming out. If I were to venture a guess, looks like all of the industry is vying for that next movie deal, but I digress. So let’s start off with X (2013 Dark Horse) #1. A few Hot Picks ago (#264), InvestComics explained that X is a bad ass. Click HERE if you want to visit the article, but here is an excerpt from that blog referring to the numer zero issue; “His first appearance was in Dark Horse Comics #8 (1993). In 1994 X appeared in his own self-titled book which lasted only 25 issues. The number one issue featured Rick Leonardi on pencils and Jimmy Palmiotti on inks. Don’t let this comic slip through your hands this week; Dark Horse’s version of Batman is here.” As the number one comes out this Wednesday, the same applies as above. Don’t miss this comic; it just may be a sleeper.
Two more to keep your eye on this week are 12 Reasons To Die (2013 Black Mask) #1 and Chin Music (2013) #1. Rounding out the number one/zero list are Archer and Armstrong (2012 2nd Series) #0, Damsels Mermaids (2013 Dynamite) #1, Robyn Hood Wanted (2013 Zenescope) #1, Grimm (2013 Dynamite) #1, and finally as Big Dog Ink will always always bring it Legend of Oz Scarecrow (2013 Big Dog Ink) #1.
With the new Suicide Squad (2011 4th Series) #20, DC Comics brings in new team members, a new direction, and most importantly a new creative team on board. Should be worthy of your exploring.
And Marvel stirs up the hyperbole once again. Uncanny Avengers (2012 Marvel Now) #8 promises to shake the Marvel Universe to its core! Okay…..
Be sure to check out the covers of the week below. There are some beauties.
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See you next week, invest wisely.
Jay Katz
InvestComics Hot Covers
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