InvestComics Hot Picks #276 – NEW InvestComics Hot Picks every Sunday!
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Welcome to the InvestComics Hot Picks for new comic releases on 7-3-13
(Disclaimer: all comic recommendations are from a speculative vantage point. Not all comics are to guarantee a return on your investment. This article is used as a guide for investments and entertainment purposes. Any opinions or expression of investments should be used as a judgement upon the investor, not InvestComics. Please use your own discretion when investing.)
Before we jump in, did you happen to catch the InvestComics Hot Pick: Single article from this past week that focused on Darkseid? Click right HERE to be ahead of the curve on everyone. A huge upside on the Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 as well as the other mentioned comics in that article. Be sure to check it out if you are in the market for a long term investment.
InvestComics HOT PICKS
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There is one comic coming out this Wednesday that holds a possible nice uptick for a comic from 1984. Detective Comics (2011 2nd Series) #22 will give readers a new glimpse into an old villain. It is after all the “New 52” right? The villain is Wrath and there are some very good points that need your attention here. The first is the most obvious; his first appearance, Batman Special #1 (1984) written by Mike W. Barr and drawn by Michael Golden features our first look at Wrath (I). The fun begins for collector’s right here because Batman Special #1 could be yours right now for an average of about $10. Not too shabby right? There is however a bit of a pricey CGC 9.6 available for $69. The funny thing about the CGC grade is that it doesn’t list the first appearance of Wrath. Is the character THAT insignificant?? Here is another good factor to weigh in, Wrath (I) made only 9 appearances in all since his inception. Not used much at all, so it will be easy to find any of his early appearances. So what about Wrath II you may ask? Well his return came in Batman Confidential #13 (2008). Readers can thank writer Tony Bedard and artist Rags Morales for making this happen. BC #13 is available in any long box at your local shop or comic convention for $1. The prize here is Batman Special #1. If fans accept Wrath into the New 52 fold, look for the Special #1 to start churning in the aftermarket. There is more upside to this comic than there is down. Collectors should have their radar on this one. One potential downside does show its presence; CGC Censes shows that there are only a total of 21 graded (good thing), more than half of those 21 graded sit on top; 9.8 – 8 and 9.6 – 4 (bad thing), so not that difficult to get a good grade on this comics.
Trinity of Sin Pandora (2013 DC) #1 will put Pandora front and center. There will be light shed on the woman connected to the creation of the New 52. Do readers care? If you’re feeling like Pandora really may change things to the point of WOW, then check out her first appearance in Flashpoint Vol. 2 #5 (2011). Trinity of Sin Pandora (2013 DC) #1 will also lead into the much anticipated Trinity War. The last of the DC comics this week to check out; Action Comics (2011 2nd Series) #22 brings in new aliens from outer space. Where else would they come from?
Marvel Comics throws a boatload of comics that will probably be “okay” this week. Seems the House of Ideas are waning a bit this week. But let’s mention these comics nonetheless. And the honorable mentions are (in rapid fire)……
Is there a need for another Deadpool comic? Why yes there is! Deadpool Kills Deadpool (2013) #1!
If you’re a long time comic book reader, you love the What If? Stories. Jimmy Palimotti writes the latest What If? Installment; What If AvX (2013) #1. While we all love Jimmy and the What If’s?, why are we getting a What If? comic so soon from a storyline that JUST ended?? What happened to the What If? Stories like What If Conan vs. Hulk, or What if Wolverine had killed the Hulk? Remember those? Now those were fun!!
The A.I. storyline has just about run its course right? No it hasn’t according to Marvel! Check out Avengers A.I. (2013) #1 this week!
And in the milking department we have, no not Deadpool, we already covered him. We have Guardians of the Galaxy Tomorrows Avengers (2013) #1. In the next few years readers will see an overkill of these Guardians dudes, so don’t think for a second we won’t see more of these ridiculous origin stories rehashed a million times. This said, you better have their first appearances in order! Especially Marvel Preview #7 (1976)! This comic (magazine) will see only upside until the Guardians movie comes out. Then when the movie is released, well then there will be more upside. The Raccoon is going to be a huge hit with the little ones, be prepared. Moving along here, with Superior Spider-Man, Marvel gives readers Superior Foes of Spider-Man (2013) #1. Oh joy!
An interesting choice for Marvel here, Dexter (2012 Marvel) #1. Why this television show? Very un-Disney like isn’t it? More along the Disney line would be the release of the new Oz tale Emerald City of Oz (2013 Marvel) #1. So which will you pick up and read? The comic with the Dorothy and Uncle Henry adventures or the comic about a crime fighting serial killer that plots out to kill murderers, rapist, and all sorts of bad people? Tough choice right?
And on the Independent circuit….
Brianna Floss (InvestComics comic book reviewer extraordinaire) gave the new comic Owl (2013 Dynamite) #1 some praise saying: “The Owl #1 is a promising start and a good approach to a revival.” Check out Brianna’s comic reviews coming tomorrow! Clive Barker continues his all new series this week with Next Testament (2013 Boom) #2. Satellite Sam (2013 Image) #1 gets a mild 6.5/10 from Brianna. Find out why tomorrow. Other number one issues to explore this week include; Human (2013 Human Comics) #1, Mercy Sparx (2013 Devils Due) #1, Steam Engines of Oz (2013 Arcana) #1, Catalyst Comix (2013 Dark Horse) #1, and Absolution Rubicon (2013 Avatar) #1.
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That’s it for now. Invest wisely.
Jay Katz
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