InvestComics Hot Picks #402

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Superzero 1
Top 5 Hot Pick Nominee – Super Zero #1 – After-Shock Comics – Click to Buy/Bid right now
Deadpool 3.1
Top 5 Hot Pick Nominee – Deadpool #3.1 – Marvel Comics – Click to Buy/Bid right now

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Hot Picks based on new comics coming this Wednesday 12/16/15


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Check out last weeks InvestComics Hot Picks #401 mobile video. Then read the InvestComics Hot Picks #401!


Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All sellers on Ebay.

Be sure to come back on Monday’s for the InvestComics Top 5 every week before new comic book day!

Squadron Supreme 1
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Avengers 85
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Silk 2
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Batman Arkham Knight Genesis 5
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Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #5 features an appearance by Deathstroke. Awesome cover too. Check out another bat book this week; Batman Europa #2. Batman and the Joker seek out the new character known as Trojan Man.

The new Deadpool comic will introduce the Mexican version of……Deadpool! Meet Masacre in Deadpool #3.1.
Kanan The Last Padawan #9 will have Caleb Dume facing off against General Grievous.
We love the Silk character and we love the Mark Bagley variant cover to Silk #2!
Squadron Supreme #1 debuts on new comic book day. It should be a good team book. Written by James Robinson and art from Leonard Kirk. Squadron Supreme first appeared in Avengers #85 (1971).
An interesting Marvel title this week to check out; Starbrand and Nightmask #1. Pick up the first appearances of Starbrand (new) in Avengers #7 (2013) and the first appearance of Nightmask (character) in Avengers #6 (2013) for cover price or less if you believe in these heroes to advance to greater heights in the realm of the new Marvel universe. Speculators have been put on notice.
Ultimate End #5 will be the last issue. See how it all ends. We’re loving that cover with Miles looking back. *sniff sniff*
Marvel’s new Weirdworld series will introduce a new character named Becca. We like the direction of this new series. Stay with this one. Written by Sam Humphries. Art by Mike Del Mundo. The regular “Flash/Shazam/Black Adam” Lightning bolt cover is awesome as well. Be sure to pick up Weirdworld #1 Vol. 2.
…..And Marvel releases their first Darth Vader Annual this Wednesday.

Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All sellers on Ebay.

Starbrand and Nightmask 1
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Darth Vader Annual 1
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What would be better than having Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti on the monthly Harley Quinn and Starfire comics? How about a totally creative controlled NEW comic character by the awesome duo? Yes it will happen and HER name will be Super Zero. Super Zero #1 will be written by Amanda and Jimmy. Dru Dragowski (Super Zero) will become the next big female hero to enter the comic book arena. After-Shock Comics once again, week after week continues to bring it. After-Shock Comics are not gunning for tremors, they’re gunning to split the foundation of the comic industry. ASC will be a force to be reckoned with.

Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All sellers on Ebay.

An all new Judge Dredd series from IDW comes out this week. Judge Dredd #1 Vol. 5 will have several variants available. The Archie variant is a neat one.
IDW will also start on a new Star Trek series. This has nothing to do with the Marvel title from 1996. Star Trek Starfleet Academy #1 will introduce new Star Trek characters so if you’re a Trekkie, you’ll want to get this. Speculators have been notified.
Also from IDW; Pinocchio Vampire Slayer Versus The Vampire Zoo. A fun looking book!

Huck 2
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Weirdworld 1
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Ultimate End 5
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Star Fleet Academy 1
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Image Comics introduces a key character in Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #8.

InvestComics is still a bull on the new Huck series from Image. Get Huck #2 out this week.

Famous Monsters Presents Monster World #1 (American Gothic Press) Co-written by the awesome Steve Niles. Dragon Age Magekiller #1 (Dark Horse) Greg Rucka writes. The ever popular Steam Wars sells out every single new release. This week, Steam Wars Holiday Special #1 (Antarctic Press) has sold out. Grandpa Simpsons Adventure #1 (Bongo Comics). Boom Box 2015 Mix Tape #1 (Boom Studios) will contain several stories within the comic including the debut Bad Mask, which will be a new Boom Box title. Void Of Heroes #2 (Cosmic Times) will continue its storyline that will tie into the mobile video game; Void Of Heroes. Witchfinder General #1 from Devils Due Publishing looks like a fun read.

Void Of Heroes 2
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Kanan The Last Padawan 9
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Dragon Magekiller 1
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Autumnlands Tooth & Claw 8
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Invest wisely. Read comics.

Carpe Diem.

Jay Katz


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