InvestComics Hot Picks #438


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New comic book release day 8/24/16.

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NOTE. Please understand that when InvestComics releases the Hot Picks article on Friday that many of the independent comics may not be available on Ebay yet. Most of the time, some of the more obscure titles make their way onto Ebay later on in the week or right on/at/before new comic book day on Wednesday. Be sure to check back and click the links or cover(s) to see if the books you want have been listed on Ebay. They usually show up, so be sure to check back!


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Alpha Flight #1
Click to Buy Now

Each week InvestComics seeks out a comic(s) on Ebay for $100 or less and then brings it to the attention of our fans. We call it IC 100 Club Pick. The idea is to get a great book at a great price. We do not own nor are we selling these comics. The comics are found by a random process. We do not know the ebay seller(s), nor are we promoting the Ebay seller. Any knowing from the Ebay seller of InvestComics or its affiliates is purely coincidental. (See disclaimer for more details).

IC 100 Club Pick: Alpha Flight #1 (1983) 9.6. This is the classic John Bryne Alpha Flight #1 from 1983. It features the first appearance of Puck and Marrina, as well as the origin of Alpha Flight. It has a buy it now price of only $46.75. Not a bad price at all for a 9.6. 

Before reading ahead, we feel we need to warn you that our articles contain very harsh truths in them. Not vulgar language, just a good solid dose of honesty. They always have, they always will. If you are easily offended, cannot come to terms that other people have opinions too beside yourself and especially if you’re a fanboy, discontinue reading. Go back to the other places selling you the farm. This is NOT the place for you. We’re here to have fun and not lie to you. Thank you and enjoy!

Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All available sellers on Ebay.

Blue Beetle Rebirth #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Beetle #1
Infinite Crisis #5
Click to Buy/Bid – Infinite #5
Infinite Crisis #3
Click to Buy/Bid – Infinite #3
Deathstroke #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Deathstroke #1









Deathstroke #1 volume four begins this Wednesday. Look for Deathstroke fans to flock to this series as writer Christopher Priest will bring in new readers as well.
John Constantine will return this week; Hellblazer #1. Writer Simon Oliver and artist Moritat bring the new story.
Jaime Reyes, A.K.A. Blue Beetle will get his own series starting this Wednesday. Jaime’s first appearances as himself and as BB are very easy finds and extremely easy on the wallet too. Infinite Crisis #3 (2006) is the first appearance of Jaime Reyes. It takes Reyes two issues to get his gear together and in Infinite Crisis #5 (2006) he first appears as Blue Beetle. The creative team of Blue Beetle Rebirth #1 consist of legend Keith Giffen (writer) and Scott Kolins (art).
A disturbingly awesome Steve Dillon cover on Sixpack And Dogwelder Hard-Traveling Heroz #1 peeks our interest on what the inside may bring. Writer Garth Ennis and artist John McCrea return to their Section Eight creation. Garth and John first created Six-Pack back in 1996 – Hitman #9. Dogwelder(2) first appeared in Convergence Harley Quinn #2 (2015).

Teen Titans #23
Click to Buy/Bid – Teen Titans #23
Superman #22
Click to Buy/Bid – Superman #22
Superman #21
Click to Buy/Bid – Superman #21
Detective Comics #939
Click to Buy/Bid – Detective #939









What’s better than having an Amanda Conner Harley Quinn cover? How about TWO Harley Quinn’s on the same cover? See Harley’s Little Black Book #4 for that.
DC warns readers to prepare themselves for the last page in Detective Comics #939. Check it out and no reading at the new release comics wall! Get out da way!
The H.I.V.E. Queen plans on getting under the Teen Titans’ nerves in Teen Titans #23. In a long line of new 52 characters and new female comic characters, H.I.V.E. Queen is kinda neat. Check out her first appearance in Superman #21 (2013). We’re not too sure if that issue is a cameo or not, so be sure to check out Superman #22 (2013) as well. The Superman #22 Kenneth Rocafort cover rocks too!

Convergence Harley Quinn #2
Click to Buy/Bid – Conv HQ #2
Hitman #9
Click to Buy/Bid – Hitman #9
Sixpack And Dogwelder Hard-Traveling Heroz #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Sixpack & Dog #1
Harleys Little Black Book #4
Click to Buy/Bid – Harley Little #4








It’s always a good thing to be alerted that Spider-Man will fight Venom. So here’s your alert. Venom Space Knight #11; Spidey vs. Venom. Has Spidey fought the “Space Knight” Venom though? Is this a first?
Deadpool #17 features the villain Madcap. The Deadpool comics have a knack of reviving comic characters from the past no one either cared too much for or forgot about altogether. So with that said, Madcap’s first appearance was in Captain America #307 (1985).

InvestComics informed our readers about Scout Comics’ Once Our Land #1 a few weeks ago and it sold out right after our article was released. An immediate aftermarket sensation and Once Our Land #2 will be no exception. Watch as this issue goes into immediate demand as well this week.
From Chapter House Publishing this week comes Northguard #1. Coming from the pages of their other Canadian hero Captain Canuck. To find Northguard’s very first appearance though, you’d have to go all the way back to 1984’s New Triumph Northguard #1 from Matrix Graphic Series. There’s a few available on Ebay.

Captain America #307
Click to Buy/Bid – Cap Amer #307
Deadpool #17
Click to Buy/Bid – Deadpool #17
Generation Zero #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Gen Zero #1
Harbinger Wars #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Harbinger Wars #1









Faith #2 from Valiant Entertainment brings our hero right into the face of her very first villain. First appearance alert! Also from Valiant is the debut of their new team book; Generation Zero #1! Generation Zero first appeared in Harbinger Wars #1. So that’s two must get books from Valiant this Wednesday. 

Comic book writer extraordinaire; Greg Pak, turns up a new western style comic; Kingsway West #1. Get this comic from Dark Horse Publishing. Art by Mirko Colak.
Snotgirl #1 sold out a few weeks ago, now we move on to Snotgirl #2 this week. Will the second issue “boogie” on off the shelf?! HA!! And the answer is probably, yes.

Once Our Land #2
Click to Buy/Bid – Once Our Land #2
Faith #2
Click to Buy/Bid – Faith #2
Kingsway West #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Kingsway #1
Snotgirl #2
Click to Buy/Bid – Snotgirl #2








Here are a bunch of other comics to check out this Wednesday. Duck Avenger #0 (IDW Publishing). Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1 (Marvel). Lake of Fire #1 (Image Comics). Civil War Ulysses #1 (Marvel). Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual #1 (Boom Studios).

Northguard #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Northguard #1
New Triumph Northguard #1
Click to Buy/Bid – New Triumph…#1
Hellblazer #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Hellblazer #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual #1
Click to Buy/Bid – Rangers Annual #1









Click on the RED links or the comic cover to buy/bid from All available sellers on Ebay.

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Carpe Diem.

Jay Katz



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