Iron Man 2 in 3D?!
Rumors are circulating that Marvel is looking into the cost and possibility of converting Iron Man 2 to 3D.
Ain’t it Cool News reports that Marvel, Paramount, and Disney have been testing out a one minute clip of Iron Man 2 converted to 3D, deciding whether to take the movie in this direction:
At the same time that this is happening, they are fishing for bids with 3 different companies to see what the cost and time it would take to convert IRON MAN 2 to a complete 3D film. This same process is being done to Tim Burton’s ALICE IN WONDERLAND – but if this comes to pass. What will this mean for the rest of Marvel’s slate leading to THE AVENGERS? Will THOR & CAPTAIN AMERICA also go through this process? Or will they be shot from the get go in 3D?
3D has been making a comeback lately, with technology in combination with IMAX improving the experience since the last time it was trendy. Personally, this reporter finds 3D headache-inducing.
Source: AICN
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Posted originally: 2009-09-02 13:04:16