Marvel Films by Pixar?!





A tweet from Marvel Editor in Chief Joe Quesada hints that this may indeed be the case.

Minutes ago, Joe Q posted the following message on Twitter:

If you’re familiar with the Disney/Pixar relationship, then you’ll understand why this is a new dawn for Marvel and the comics industry.

Certainly, the possibility of Marvel movies made by Disney is a huge topic today with the buyout of Marvel by Disney being this morning’s huge surprise news event. OF course, the curretn Marvel movie rights must be taken into consideration, most notably Sony’s contract with the Spider-Man movie rights, and Fox’s contract with the X-Men.

The Outhouse will be covering this event as new stories break, so stay tuned!

Syndicated from The Outhouse – Comic Community Run By Fanboys, For Fanboys
Posted originally: 2009-08-31 09:48:52

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