More Lantern Rings on the Way

Did you enjoy those Black Lantern rings that came with Blackest Night #1?

Well then, get ready to buy a bunch more random comics.

Did you enjoy those Black Lantern rings that came with Blackest Night #1?

Well then, get ready to buy a bunch more random comics.

The rumor, first reported by Weekly Crisis , and later by Rich Johnson at Bleeding Cool , is that retailers can purchase set numbers of other rings depending on their orders of certain DC comics.  The numbers are as such:

For every 25 copies of Doom Patrol #4, Booster Gold #26, R.E.B.E.L.S. #10, and Outsiders #24 a retailer orders, he or she can order a bag of fifty Sinestro Corps rings, Agent Orange rings, Indigo Tribe rings, and Star Sapphire rings respectively at $8.00 per bag.

For every 50 copies of Justice League of America #39, Blackest Night #5 and Adventure Comics #4, a retailer orders, he or she can order a bag of fifty Red Lantern rings, Green Lantern rings, and Blue Lantern rings, respectively, also at $8.00 per bag.

The rings will ship every two weeks: Sinestro Corps on November 4th; Agent Orange on November 18th; Red Lantern on December 2nd; Green Lantern on December 16th; Blue Lantern on December 30th (although that will likely change to December 23 because Diamond is not shipping comics the week of the December 23); Indigo Tribe on January 13th, and; Star Sapphire on January 27th.  Unlike the Black Lantern promotional rings, retailers will be charged for these, so expect to pay for your rings.

Thanks to Black_Orchid for the original post.
Posted originally: 2009-08-19 07:26:38

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