More Updates from C2E2 Mondo Marvel Panel
The Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher, Instructors lineup for Avengers Academy, Steve Rogers: Super Soldier, and more.
Here’s a list of projects and tidbits that were touched on but not discussed in great length at the Mondo Marvel panel at C2E2:
Steve Rogers: Super Soldier, the mini by Brubaker and Eaglesham which we reported on earlier, will focus on the invention and the inventor of the Super Soldier Serum. Eaglesham will be off Fantastic Four to work on this book.
Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher Confirmed.
The instructor lineup for Avengers Academy has been announced: Tigra, Justice, Quicksilver, Hank Pym and Speedball! Speedball will be out of the Penance costume and trying to come to terms with changing himself.
Spinning out of Agents of Atlas is Gorilla Man by Jeff Parker and Giancarlo Caracuzzo!
Bendis will write Ultimate Mystery, the followup to Ultimate Enemy.
Thanks to Bleeding Cool and CBR for this info.
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Posted originally: 2010-04-16 21:45:45