New Mutants Forever Coming from Chris Claremont!
The legendary X-Men scribe has announced a second alternate continuity project picking up where he left off on the New Mutants title!
From Chris Claremont on the ComixFan message boards:
And now for something completely different — coming in the spring, 2010, will be New Mutants Forever,
courtesy of me, Editor Jordan White and an artist to be named soon
(ahh, where’s Sienkevitch when you really need him? Or Arthur? Or Rick?
Or Leialoha? But I digress … ) Same rules as XMF, the series picks up
right where I left off, in the aftermatch of the two-part adventure
with the Hellions. As with XMF, it should prove an interesting contrast
/ alternative to its 616 counterpart — and of course, this one will
actually give a credit to the series / characters creators, what a
Give it a try, should be fun. We might even manage to catch you all by surprise.
Chris Claremont
This reporter has been touting X-Men Forever as the best book on the stands, an old school romp through the X-Men Universe of yesteryear when comics were more about fun than serious business. Here’s hoping this new title will deliver the same.
Source: ComixFan
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Posted originally: 2009-10-24 02:02:50