Review – Exodus The Life After #3

Exodus the Life After 3
Exodus The Life After #3 – Click to Buy/Bid

Oni Press
Writer: Joshua Hale Fialkov
Art/Cover Art: Gabo

(Click on the comic cover or red link to buy/bid from ALL available Ebay sellers)

This is the most absurd premise I have seen yet,  God reveals the secrets of the Universe to Earnest Hemingway.

I love it.  I want more,  I want to go back to the beginning and see where this little gem of a comic came from.  Stories like this one are why I got into storytelling.  I simply can’t tell you how much I loved this.  This art style by Gabo, puts you in the characters shoes, I could see the story as if I were Earnest Hemingway, and the scary part, is I really got the perspective of the character of God in this story too.  It was hypnotically told and expertly revealed.  Fialkov has a writing style that reminded me of Stanislav Lem in this one, he contrasted absurd circumstances with profoundly deep points of view that few of us ever consider.  This is comedic literature in the comics medium at it’s best!

Bravo!  Now, if you are offended easily, best steer clear, but if you are into good dialogue, and have a strong sense of Irony, you may be pleasantly tickled by this entertaining little collection of coloured paper.

Ian Powers is an American film Director and Producer based in China, who has a passion for Comics and stories well told. He is currently developing several film and Animation projects and now he’s thinking seriously about writing comics.

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