Silver Surfer Film Dead in the Water Says Straczynski

J. Michael Straczynski says that his script for a Silver Surfer movie has been stalled indefinitely.

According to an interview with Collider , Straczynski’s Silver Surfer movie won’t be seeing the light of day anytime soon, thanks to fans lukewarm response to Fantastic Four 2.

What happened was when FF2 didn’t do as well as they hoped it would do, it caused them to call into question a Silver Surfer movie. The script that I wrote picked up right where FF2 left off. So if they do a Silver Surfer film down the road, it’ll have to be its own separate things.

Asked about the tone of the film, Straczynski insisted that his script was geared towards adults, as the last FF movie being geared toward children soured some fans. Straczynski is, of course, having no trouble finding work, as he was the writer behind Ninja Assasin. He’s also working on another project called Red Star:

Finished a number of drafts. It’s a giant sci-fi project based upon a graphic novel by Christian Gossett.

Source: Collider
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Posted originally: 2009-11-24 17:47:44

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