Steve Rogers: Super Soldier by Brubaker and Eaglesham
Marvel has announced a new mini-series starring Steve Rogers to be written by Ed Brubaker and Dale Eaglesham!
The book will debut in July, running for four issues and carving out Steve Rogers’ new place in the Marvel Universe, as he will no longer be in the Captain America costume. Rogers is also slated to star in Secret Avengers, also written by Brubaker, and Brubaker suggests that Steve’s actions in his new role will be more secretive and unknown to the people of the Marvel Universe as a whole, comparing him to James Bond. Brubaker had this to say on the book:
"It felt like Bucky was doing a great job as Cap, fans dig him in the role [and] I enjoy writing him as Cap. And it occurred to me that Steve was going to get put through the wringer on his way back to the present, and may have reasons for not wanting to put the Cap uniform back on and go all public for a while, if not forever."
Those reasons, however, are classified information that cannot be revealed just yet:
"You’ll have to read SUPER-SOLDIER to find out. Those questions are part of his journey, things he has to ask himself."
Source: Marvel
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Posted originally: 2010-04-16 11:07:25