Comic Broker Report – Second Appearances
Serious collectors whom I speak with usually frown upon the 2nd appearance but like the recent popularity of reprints like Action Comics 1, Amazing Fantasy 15, certain Marvel Milestones and others it shows the continuing evolution of what makes a comic desirable. Some of the Action Comics 1 reprinst are fairly tough to track down. Add a low printing and a craving from collectors and sales take off…
So do you want to stay ahead of market trends? Start hoarding these:
Nightwing ( Dick Grayson )
So I have been told that the annual is Nightwing’s second appearance but issue 45 was released in August of 1984 and issue 44 in July. I cannot find a release date for the annual so until I do I am going with 45 as Nightwing’s second appearance. It’s important to note that Comic Collector 3 predates 44 and does show Nightwing in Costume. That could make it the true first appearance of Nightwing and 44 his second. Wow that’s a bit confusing. Just buy them all.
Notable Comics: The Comic Collector 3 predates Teen Titans 44, DC Sampler 2 ( September 1984 )
New Mutants 88
Cable has never looked as good thanks to Mcfarlane not that other chump.
Notable comics: New Mutants 86; he appears at the end in a preview panel for next month’s issue!, Amazing Spider-Man 336 is his first appearance outside of a New Mutants Comic.
ASM 315
Ok so ASM 299 is considered a cameo making 300 his first appearance and this comic his second:
Notable Comics: Web of Spider-Man 18,24 and if you collect Foreign comics:
With rumors that she may take over as Wolverine it’s time to revisit her limited key books:
Nyx 4 is her second.
Notable Comics: X-Men 450 ( newsstand ), Nyx 5, Might Marvel Must Haves
As X-Force 11 creeps up in price due to the fact that many believe it to be her first appearance it has become clear that a market correction needs to be made. Her first appearance is on the cover of New Mutants 98 even though it is a copycat Domino. So if her likeness first appears in NM 98 then why are so many bent on believing her first appearance to be in X-Force 11? X-Force 8 is her 2nd.
Note: There has been no conformation that she will be appearing in the Deadpool film.
This is an article I will continue to update especially if I get requests to add characters.