Trending Comics #525

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NEW comics set to release 5-2-18

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Please note: New comic book releases are subject to change

Action Comics Special #1
Cyborg #22
Deathstroke #31
Harley Loves Joker #1

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DC Comics is at it again. Changing things up and all. Marvel did their bi-yearly cleaning a little bit ago, so now it’s DC’s turn. One thing the big two are not afraid of is change. Superman, to wear red underwear or not to wear red underwear, this is one of the burning questions in all of comic book fandom. The red underwear chronicles, this is the name of an epic event coming up in the new Superman title. Important stuff here! Jim Lee lays the claim down that the red underwear were to always come back after he designed them to not appear on the new costume. Okay Jim. Now the return was met with the answer; “It’s a temporary return”. Everyone does realize we are talking about red underwear, right? Is this topic that important in the grand scheme of things relating to the actual character development here in the future? The answer is quite simple, no. But, this said, there is a reason regular civilian automobiles do not look like mini-tanks or eat up tons of fuel anymore, there is a reason why logo’s for billion dollar corporations change things up, a reason for phones not flipping open anymore. The natural progression of evolution and aesthetic look. It’s ‘normal’ to want to move along and bring things up to date a little bit. Comic fans need to chill a bit when it comes to change. Could you imagine if Superman still actually appeared the way he did in Action Comics #1 today? It wouldn’t sell any copies. Maybe a few, but you understand the meaning here. And so with that long diatribe regarding ‘unimportant’ red underwear, DC Nation #0 is said to have sold (best Dr. Evil impression) one million copies. This according to DC Comics themselves. A million copies. That’s a whole lotta comic books. Granted at a quarter each, local comic shops probably ordered heavy, thus creating that million sales mark. A FREE edition, a 25 cents edition and some variant editions of DC Nation #0 will be available. DC cashing in on that FREE comic thing. Hey, it’s business. DC Nation #0 features all new stories that will CHANGE THE DC UNIVERSE as we know it! Yes, that’s sarcasm, but of course we’ll all check this comic out because we need to. Curiosity/interest will always win out.
Superman will also appear in Action Comics Special #1 this week. No red underwear though. Sorry underwear fans. This comic was originally slated for a 2017 holiday release but is just as jolly now. Dan Jurgens and Will Conrad lead the way.
Original Harley Quinn co-creator, Paul Dini returns to his beloved character for a two-part series; Harley Quinn Loves Joker #1. This mini will wrap up his back-up stories that were appearing in the regular Harley series. Art by Bert Blevins.
The battle of the century (not really, but still bad as*) continues in Deathstroke #31. Deathstroke VS. Batman part two.
Cyborg #22 features the first appearance of Mekkan-X.

Avengers #1
DC Nation #0
Weapon Lost #1
Venomized #5

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A look into the future of Captain America in Captain America #701. The year is 2314. That’s way, way into the future. We’re talking grandson of Steve Rogers, grandson? But 300 years from now? Okay. Anyway, this comic features contributions from various all-star creators with Mark Waid and Leonardo Romero front and center. The Deadpool variant is sold out.
Avengers begins anew again. The seventh time for those keeping score at home. Avengers #1 from writer Jason Aaron and artist Ed McGuiness. ‘Back to basics’ with this Avengers title. As though it seems.
More Wolverine returns stories. This week; Hunt For Wolverine Lost #1. Charles Soule and Matteo Buffagni.
An anti-climatic ending to Brian Michael Bendis’ Spider-Man run. He ends his seven year run with no extra variants and no fanfare. Maybe it’s because he went to the ‘evil empire’. These comic companies are funny aren’t they? Their ‘feelings’ are always the guidance to their not caring about sales or their fans. Hence X-Men, Fantastic Four and other things I cannot think of off the top of my head. So now this ‘quiet’ send off to a seven year writer that created a new Spider-Man (Miles Morales). Oh well. Spider-Man #240 will be Mr. Bendis’ last Spidey issue. Looking forward to what Brian brings to the table at DC. Good luck at the new digs!
Has anyone seen the new Venom trailer? Personally, not a fan of the visual of Venom. Very 90’s. Maybe they’ll clean it up a bit? Just an opinion here. Venom wraps up his series this Wednesday; Venomized #5.
And have you seen the latest Deadpool trailer? Now that looks like a trip and a half. Looking forward to this. Check out You Are Deadpool #1 from writer Al Ewing and artist Salva Espin. Not exactly sure how this comic will work out, but something about ‘fans’ deciding on what happens within the pages of the book. Sounds very Deadpool’ish and we’re in.

Captain America #701
Red Sonja/Tarzan #1
Spider-Man #240
You Are Deadpool #1

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Trending Pop Culture Indie Hot Picks; Indie comics do not always show up on Ebay right way. Please check back on a regular basis, some of the smaller print indie books usually list after new comic book release day or a few days after.
Writer Gail Simone will do her thing; Red Sonja/Tarzan #1 (Dynamite Entertainment) with artist Walter Geovani. Several of the variants are sold out already. Look for this comic to trend and sell out completely.
Due to release last week, Scout Comics gets their soon to be sold out comic Cyber Spectre #1 going. Writer Richard Emms and artist Ale Garza.
Alien Toilet Monsters #1 is finally set for wide release. Creators Carol Zara and Eric Burnett. This comic was/is trending heavy within the social media circuits. Look for the same in wide release.
Writer Rick Remender and artist Bengal bring Death Or Glory #1 to the shelf this week. Super talents will equal a super book.
Coda #1 from Boom Studios delivered by writer Simon Spurrier and artist Matias Bergara. This sci-fi opus is sure to trend once word gets out.
Daygloayhole #1 (Silver Sprocket); Ben Passmore.

ATM #1
Coda #1
Cyber Spectre #1
Death & Glory #1
Daygloayhole #1

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Carpe Diem.
Jay Katz




