World War Hulks: Alpha
Marvel released some information about World War Hulks: Alpha, the book that will kick off next year’s massive World War Hulks event, at the Toronto Fan Expo this weekend.
Next year’s World War Hulks is shaping up to be even bigger than the previous Hulk event, World War Hulk, due to mathematics alone: this time there are more Hulks! The event will kick off with a one-shot in December by Jeff Parker and Paul Pelletier called World War Hulks: Alpha, and end with another one-shot sometime next year: World War Hulks: Gamma (har!).
Just like World War Hulk came about as the result of The Illuminati, a group of Marvel’s top brains on the hero side planning in secret to rid the planet of the menace of Bruce Banner by shipping him off into space, World War Hulk: Alpha will focus on another cladestine cabal of brainiacs, but this time, on the side of EVIL!
At the Toronto Fan Expo, writer Jeff Parker had this to say about The Intelligensia:
"It’s a meeting of the minds-the ones that have made some of the
most trouble in the Marvel Universe: the Leader, Doctor Doom, the Mad
Thinker, Egghead, Red Ghost and M.O.D.O.K.," says Parker, revealing the
Intelligencia’s roster. "Just like your Hank Pyms, Reed Richardses and
Bruce Banners sometimes confab, so the heavies at some point decided to
give it a shot.
"Their main goal together is to reassemble banks
of lost knowledge, especially that of the famously burned Library of
Alexandria. It turns out that the bulk of the tomes still exist, spread
around the world in places like Wakanda and the Eternals’ stronghold.
It also turns out that this group is very comfortable with the idea of
stealing all of it!"
World War Hulk: Alpha ships in December. Don’t miss it!
Source: Marvel
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Posted originally: 2009-08-30 14:26:48