Batman: Back from the Dead!

Batman is coming back from the dead, and the Outhouse has the story!

It turns out that Batman wasn’t really killed during Final Crisis. In actuality, the gun that Sharon Carter used to shoot him was a special gun designed by the Red Skull that would release Batman’s spirit into the timestream so that he could retrieve it later and… no wait, that was that other guy.

Ok, so the story is that the Batman who was blasted by Darkseid in Final Ultimate (Really, we mean it this time) Crisis of Infinity was a clone created by the Phoenix force, and Batman’s actual body was actually in a coccoon at the bottom of… oh wait…

Ok, so we have no idea how Batman is coming back. But we did hear from Rich Johnston over at Bleeding Cool that Grant Morrision will be writing two series in the summer of 2010: The Search for Bruce Wayne and The Return of Batman. So whatever happens, Bruce fans can expect the original Caped Crusader to be back in the costume sometime next year, while fans who love Dick will have to look elsewhere for their fix (maybe Shatterstar will get his own book by then).

Source: Bleeding Cool

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Posted originally: 2009-08-28 16:08:18

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