10 Questions with Brian Pulido

1aabrianPulpicBrian Pulido visits InvestComics.



(quick bio taken from www.brianpulido.com) 

Brian Pulido has created numerous characters who have leapt from the comic book page to the edgy pop cultural consciousness.

Not only has he sold close to 15 million comics in eight foreign languages, but his characters have been made into hundreds of licensed items and his characters adorn the bodies of thousands of fans in the form of tattoos.

And lets not forget Pulido’s publishing empire, Chaos! Comics. Chaos was the single most successful independent comic book publisher of the 1990’s. 

Welcome to 10 for the Pros Brian!


10 for the Pros


Brian Pulido – Writer/Editor

Click on the banner to be directed to the official Brian Pulido Web Page.



1aabrianPul21. What comic (character) would you love to have total creativity control over?  And why?

(BP) Kamandi. It’s my favorite comic.

2. If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?

(BP) To Fly.

3. Do you have a routine that you follow before or during work?

(BP) I write 1st drafts 10-1pm daily – Dialoge/revisions in the afternoon..

1aabrianpul44. Who is your favorite creator to work with?

(BP) Juan Jose Ryp + Justiniano – amazing talents.

5. In your opinion, do you feel that the movie industry is doing a good job with the Comic Book movies?

(BP) Yes.

6. What comic book hero/villain do you want to see on screen?

(BP) Evil Ernie.

7. “If I wasn’t in the comic book industry, I would be working….”?

(BP) Directing movies.

1aabrianpul68. What advice could you give a creator trying to break into the industry?

(BP) Be talented & persistant.

9. “My Best investment in life was……”

(BP) Marrying my wife.

10. Have anything you’d like to plug?

(BP) “The graves movie.com, Ladydeathuniverse.com, Brianpulido.com.




Bonus Questions!

Who were your influences breaking into the Industry?

(BP) Rebel Studios, Cry for Dawn.

Digital or Paper?

(BP) Paper.







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