Comic Broker Report – April 2015


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Skybound has signed an exclusive film deal with Universal. The should ignite some speculation concerning the current Skybound catalog.  Here are my pics:

Beyond Invincible and the Walking Dead there are other comics produced by the Skybound imprint that are pretty darn good!

Witch Doctor Preview #0

The medical horror comic series from Brandon Seifert first appears in this preview.  The subsequent mini is worth a look also.


Invincible #43

OK there are so many Invincible books to pick ( including many others from other Image titles like Noble Causes, Savage Dragon, Tech Jacket, MOTU etc.)   Issue 43 is one I have not mentioned before though.  Anissa appears on the cover to issue 44 and she has become an infamous Invincible antagonist.  But the cover to issue 44 appears at the conclusion to issue 43.


Birthright #1 ( NYCC )

This is my favorite title from Skybound and it is the hardest cover to find!


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I thought this one was dead in the water especially since Orphan Black has a similar concept but according to the Skybound’s deal this is still in development.

Walking Dead 103 variant and remark DF variant ( first appearance of Clone series )


Issue 1 variant for Clone


Others to look at:  Thief of ThievesManifest Destiny, Ghosted, Brit, Science Dog

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Lexus SDCC (First Melinda May)

If you haven’t been watching Agents then you are still missing out.  I keep telling people this because the show has become must see TV for Marvel fans. Filled with obscure Marvel U references and gripping action, the show is both fun and part of the larger Marvel film world.  Though Coulson is a fan favorite and Daisy/Sky/Quake has made issue 2 and 5 of Secret Wars worth some cash it is Melinda May who is increasing become the show’s powerhouse character.


Unwritten #12

Izombie is a hit with viewers and as a result House of Mystery Annual 1, issue 1a and 1b have seen serious increases  in cost.  Unbeknownst to many Izombie was previewed here too!


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Here is yet another reason to suggest the SB paperback-first appearance of Lando who is getting his own comic!

Star Wars Tales 23 ( photo cover ) is the first appearance of Revan.  Kylo Ren’s costume sure looks similar to the EU character.

23845_20060112163339_largefirst revan

Star Wars: Clone Wars 3 ( First Captain Rex )

One of my favorite characters from Star Wars is Captain Rex and it was just announced that he will be returning on S2 or Rebels! THis is his first comic appearance and the cover is sick!

first captain rex

Galaxy Quest: Global Warning 1

One of the greatest cosmic comedy films ever is coming to TV via Paramount!  There are a limited number of comics available.  This one is a key.



Suicide Squad 67

Other than issues 1,6,23,49 there aren’t too many comics from this series worth collecting.  When DC decided to resurrect certain titles for final issues during the Blackest Night crossovers fans were treated to one of the better concepts the company has ever come up with.  This one just might be the best SS cover I have ever seen!



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