InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 12-2-10

MM1_12210Image Comics debuts their water hero, and Gods rule! Check out what’s inside this weeks InvestComics™ Comic Hot Picks!




Batman 80 Page Giant #1 will feature various NEW creators within the industry taking a stab at drawing, inking, writing, and coloring a Batman tale. This comic will be one of those comics you look at 10 years from now realizing that you have a first work of a Batman artist that will blow the doors off. Pick this comic up and hold on to it.

Ian Churchhill’s Marineman #1 from Image Comics hits this week. This one has instant sellout written all over it. Don’t miss this comic; it’s liable to become the next comic to appear on Cartoon Network.

Speaking of selling out, don’t pass up the ultra violent debut of Wolverine The Best There is #1. Once again, an instant sellout. Fans have been looking for a no holds barred Wolverine title, so here it is folks!


Chaos War: God Squad #1 has quite a few characters appearing in it. A few non first rate characters appear within the solicit. Here are their first appearances:

Sersi – First appearance was in Eternals #3 (1976). With Jack Kirby art and cover, this is a no-brainer at an $8 price tag.

Hellstorm – First Appearance was in Ghost Rider #1 (1973). This is a number one issue with a Gil Kane cover for $100. Another good deal.

Venus – First Appearance was in Venus #1 (1948). This one goes back to the Timely comics days. Timely = Marvel Comics. We’ll save the history lesson for another time. This Stan Lee edited comic goes for $2440. 

….And the last name mentioned in the solict is Silver Surfer. His first appearance is in Fantastic Four #48 (1966). Lee, Kirby, Sinnot, plus the first appearance of the baddest man (besides Thanos) in the Cosmic Universe……for $1400?? This is the steal of the week!

As Always, special thanks to Comics Price Guide for the pricing of the comics!   

See you all next week, Invest wisely.

Jay Katz


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