Creator Spotlight – Michael Turner

Michael Turner Wonder Woman

The comic industry lost one of the industries best talents eight years ago. Michael Turner would have turned 45 years old on April 21st. He was a fan favorite that delivered on every single cover he put out. His pencils were unmistakable. His covers were remarkable. Michael died on June 27th 2008 at the young age of 37. Gone way too soon, but he left fans with the memory of his work. A vast body of work that spans from 1994 to 2008. Recently though, Turner’s art has been showing up once again through exclusive variant covers. They’ve garnered a lot of attention and have sold out….quickly. Michael Turner is doing it again, making fans love him all over again.

Here are a few of our favorite books. We couldn’t list them all, so maybe your favorite was left off. No hard feelings. His body of work is simply too expansive. Too many to choose from. Enjoy our list below.

Thanks Michael, your work will always live on.

**Please note. There are many variations to Michael Turner comics. Many covers, many titles holding the the same name with different years, publishers, etc. When clicking the RED links or comic cover, some results will bring random comics not pertaining to the particular comic you clicked. Scroll down through the search result on Ebay to find the exact book you’re looking for.

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Michael Turner 

Click here to see ALL available Michael Turner comics on Ebay from ALL sellers.

Cyberforce #9
Click To Buy/Bid – Cyberforce #9
Cyberforce Universe Sourcebook #2
Click To Buy/Bid – Soucebook #2
Witchblade #1 1996
Click To Buy/Bid – German
Witchblade #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Witchblade #1









Cyberforce #9 (1994) – Here is the first professional work from Michael Turner. Pencils and collaborative cover.

Cyberforce Universe Sourcebook #2 (1995) – Michael collaborates with Billy Tan on this cover.

Witchblade #1 (1995) – Witchblade begins with Michael at the helm.

Witchblade #1 (1996) – This Germany release was the first Turner solo cover without collaboration.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Aria #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Aria #1
Fathom Preview
Click To Buy/Bid – Fathom Preview
No Honor #1
Click To Buy/Bid – No Honor #1
Top Cow Classics In Black and White Sketch Cover #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Top Cow B&W #1







Fathom Preview (1998) – Turner begins with his Fathom character. A preview book.

Aria #1 (1999) – Michael’s first U.S. solo cover.

Top Cow Classics In Black and White Sketch Cover #1 (2000) – Here is a simple yet incredible Turner pencil cover. The Dynamic Forces variant.

No Honor #1 (2001) – Just a great comic and cover from Turner.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Tomb Raider #25
Click To Buy/Bid – Tomb Raider #25
The Agency #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Agency #1
Battle of The Planets #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Battle/Planets #1
Tomb Raider #17
Click To Buy/Bid – Tomb Raider #17

The Agency #1 (2001) – Another great comic and another great cover.

Tomb Raider #17 (2001) – This signed/numbered museum edition is a beauty.

Battle of The Planets #1 (2002) – Battle of The Planets Turner cover.

Tomb Raider #25 (2002) – Endgame part 1. Turner pencils and a fantastic Turner cover.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Ekos Preview 2002
Click To Buy/Bid – Ekos Preview
G.I. Joe #21
Click To Buy/Bid – G.I. Joe #21
Soulfire Preview
Click To Buy/Bid – Soulfire Preview
Teen Titans #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Teen Titans #1




Ekos: Preview (2002) – Turner pencils and cover.

Soulfire Preview (2003) – Turner pencils and cover.

G.I. Joe #21 (2003) – Micheal steps outside the Aspen/Top Cow banner and does a cover for the G.I. Joe Image Comics title.

Teen Titans #1 (2003) – Turner’s first DC work; cover art.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Action Comics #812
Click To Buy/Bid – Action #812
Action Comics #813
Click To Buy/Bid – Action #813
Adventures of Superman #625
Click To Buy/Bid – Adv Superman #625
Flash #207
Click To Buy/Bid – Flash #207





Action Comics #812 (2004) – Michael begins a Superman cover run.

Adventures of Superman #625 (2004) – Superman cover.

Flash #207 (2004) – Turner Flash cover.

Action Comics #813 (2004) – Another great cover.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Superman Batman #4
Click To Buy/Bid – Supe/Bats #4
Flash #208
Click To Buy/Bid – Flash #208
Superman #205
Click To Buy/Bid – Superman #205
Superman Batman #8
Click To Buy/Bid – Supe/Bats #8




Superman Batman #4 (2004) – This rare German cover shows a half naked Supergirl as only Michael can deliver.

Superman Batman #8 (2004) – Michael pencils this issue, but it’s the second print penciled version of the original cover that grabs our attention. Nice. Very nice.

Flash #208 (2004) – Another Flash cover. More success.

Superman #205 (2004) – Michael captures the awe-aspiring strength of Superman on this cover.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Flash #210
Click To Buy/Bid – Flash #210
G.I. Joe #33
Click To Buy/Bid – G.I. Joe #33
Identity Crisis #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Identity Crisis #1
Superman Batman #10
Click To Buy/Bid – Supe/Bats #10




Superman Batman #10 (2004) – Awesome Wonder Woman cover from Turner.

Flash #210 (2004) – Flash/Zoom cover by Turner.

G.I. Joe #33 (2004) – A Wraith Turner cover. Low print run.

Identity Crisis #1 (2004) – Michael places many DC characters on this cover.

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Supergirl #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Supergirl #1
Flash #211
Click To Buy/Bid – Flash #211
Identity Crisis #4
Click To Buy/Bid – Identity Crisis #4
Ms. Marvel #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Ms. Marvel #1



Flash #211 (2004) – As Michael showed us Superman’s strength (Superman #205), he gives us Flash’s speed here.

Identity Crisis #4 (2004) – One of if not our favorite Turner cover ever. Nails this.

Supergirl #1 (2005) – The second print cover is spectacular.

Ms. Marvel #1 (2006) – Here the Turner sketch variant way outshines the regular color cover. First modern day Ms. Marvel series.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Black Panther #18
Click To Buy/Bid – Black Panther #18
Civil War #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Civil War #1
Civil War #2
Click To Buy/Bid – Civil War #2
Wolverine Origins #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Wolv Origins #1



Wolverine Origins #1 (2006) – Michael’s first take on Wolverine. Cover art.

Civil War #1 (2006) – When Michael did the cover art to DC’s Identity Crisis two years earlier, which featured some jam covers, it’s only fitting he’d do Marvel’s Civil War.

Civil War #2 (2006) – More Turner Civil War cover art. Simply amazing.

Black Panther #18 (2006) – Storm graces the Turner cover.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Civil War #3
Click To Buy/Bid – Civil War #3
Incredible Hulk #100
Click To Buy/Bid – Hulk #100
Justice League of America #1
Click To Buy/Bid – JLA #1
Justice League of America #3
Click To Buy/Bid – JLA #3


Civil War #3 (2006) – The iconic Iron Spider cover. The penciled version is a must own.

Justice League of America #1 (2006) – The third print sketch cover. Yes that one.

Justice League of America #3 (2006) – Red Tornado Cover.

Incredible Hulk #100 (2007) – Turner SMASH! Michael shows off here. An “Incredible” Hulk cover. The Grey variant is scarce.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Sub-Mariner #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Sub-Mariner #1
Fantastic Four #547
Click To Buy/Bid – FF #547
Justice League of America #8
Click To Buy/Bid – JLA #8
World War Hulk #1
Click To Buy/Bid – WW Hulk #1




Justice League of America #8 (2007) – Batman cover.

Fantastic Four #547 (2007) – Turner cover. Human Torch dominates this cover.

Sub-Mariner #1 (2007) – One of the best Sub-Mariner covers ever.

World War Hulk #1 Aspen Exclusive Variant (2007) – A Hulk jam cover.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Daredevil #100
Click To Buy/Bid – Daredevil #100
Silver Surfer In Thy Name #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Silver Surfer #1
Spider-Man Red Sonja #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Spidey/Red Sonja 1
Thor #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Thor #1

Thor #1 (2007) – The third print sketch cover. Michael shows how puny us earth people really are when Thor stares down upon us.

Daredevil #100 (2007) – Turner cover.

Spider-Man Red Sonja #1 (2007) – Spidey teams with Red Sonja and Turner provides this cover.

Silver Surfer In Thy Name #1 (2007) – Wow.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Amazing Spider-Man #15
Click To Buy/Bid – Amz Spider-Man #15
Batman Rebirth #1
Click To Buy/Bid – Batman Rebirth #1
Spider-Man Red Sonja #5
Click To Buy/Bid – Spidey/Red Sonja 5
Uncanny X-Men #500
Click To Buy/Bid – X-Men #500


Spider-Man Red Sonja #5 (2008) – This cover captures Peter and Red Sonja in a romantic moment.

Uncanny X-Men #500 (2008) – A rare sketch cover and one of Michael’s last covers.

Batman Rebirth #1 (2016) – Michael Turner’s art will live on forever. New art and reproduced older art will show up from time to time. This Batman image was used as a variant cover for DC’s Rebirth line.

Amazing Spider-Man #15 (2016) – Here is another recent variant Turner cover. Spidey and Black Cat.

Click on the RED links or comic cover to buy/bid from ALL available sellers on Ebay.

Invest wisely. Read comics.

Jay Katz

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