D’Orazio Writes Punisher Story
Controversial blogger gets a shot at writing Punisher.
Source: D’Orazio’s blog
Bleeding Cool first reported it, but it’s now official – Valerie D’Orazio will write a Punisher story for Marvel’s MAX imprint.
D’Orazio had this to say on the comic:
"Rich Johnston’s article might sound like a lot of hype, but I
guarantee you this is a book that not only lives up to the hype but
surpasses it. It is an unique experience in the realm of comic books
(which I realize you hear all the time, but it’s true in this case),
and I think you will enjoy it."
This is not the first project in recent history that has been announced with D’Orazio’s name attached. She was previously announced as the writer of a Cloak and Dagger mini series. Unfortunately, that project has yet to see the light of day.
Check out the link at the top to read how Frank Castle relates to her early experiences with comics.
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Posted originally: 2009-12-11 17:31:03