Hot NEW Comics Arriving On Wednesday 2-1-23

InvestComics/Trending Pop Culture; SINCE 2005.
Here are this week’s top Trending/Speculative Comics out this Wednesday 2-1-23.
Please note: All new comic releases can and will change release dates from time to time. Check with your local comic shop for the guarantee of arrival time. If ordering from eBay, check with the seller or post details.
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Silver Surfer Ghost Light #1Here is the hottest comic arriving on Wednesday. The first appearance of Ghost Light. Marvel says it’s a new character 50 years in the making. Whatever that means, it sounds important. Not enough love for the Silver Surfer overall in our opinion. This character is a total badass. We like to see this Ghost Light become a major player in the Silver Surfer catalog and maybe level things up for the character. Although, we do expect a big turnout for this first appearance, so get in early here. Writer John Jennings and artist Valentine De Landro introduce us to Ghost Light.   
Star Wars Sana Starros #1 – Sana Starros debuts her own solo series. This is a big deal for Star Wars fans and collectors no doubt. Her first appearance came back in 2015’s Star Wars #4 (cameo) and Star Wars #6 (full). Writer Justina Ireland and artist Pere Perez bring in the new series with a bunch of new characters and worlds to discover.   
Avengers #65 – Readers will learn the inner secrets of Avenger Prime.  
Miles Morales Spider-Man #3 – Newer villain Rabble is front and center here. Rabble knows some secrets about Miles’ past and will use it to really mess things up. 
X-Force #37 –  A big reveal that has Marvel calling this comic a “key issue”. The reveal dates back to issue number one in this series. That’s a long time to be waiting to see who’s under a mask. 

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Demon Wars Down In Flames #1 – Long time readers of InvestComics will know that when we speak of the name Greg Pak, we speak on his behalf about creating an entirely new Hulk Universe and essentially getting little to no credit for it. No love for starting the entire Planet Hulk deal. Yes, some comic nerds may know of him for it, but many don’t. Some collectors may see World War Hulk comics or the Thor Ragnarok film and think, oh that’s neat, not realizing the framework Greg Pak put into the building blocks of that universe. Writer Greg Pak needs some respect on his name for this. Well, the reason we’re bringing Mr. Pak up is that another writer has quietly done the same principle in building out an extension to the Marvel Universe, her name is Peach Momoko. More so known for her artwork at one point, Peach Momoko has written and drew the “Demon” Marvel Universe. Her Anime-style re-imagining story-telling of the Marvel lure started in 2021 with Demon Days: X-Men #1. From creating a new take on Marvel characters to recreating the most popular Marvel stories, Peach Momoko has done this at full tilt for two years straight and hasn’t stopped. The entire Marvel/Anime style universe is being created before our very eyes. With each new comic Peach creates, a new character, a new story, a new team, emerges as a new Anime addition to this universe. Where is this new universe leading to? It’s anyone’s guess, but remember where it all started, pick that book up like we instructed collectors to pick up Greg Pak’s Planet Hulk story way back when it came to our realization of what was occurring. That paid big dividends a while back for the InvestComics follower, it’s since cooled quite a bit, but this has the same vibe. Momoko’s Marvel/Anime universe will be used in some way eventually in a bigger way.     
Lazarus Planet Legends Reborn #1 – And more first appearances. We told you about the Lazarus Planet comics. Stay on top of all of them. 
Blood Tree #1 – New Image Comics series from writer Peter J. Tomasi and artist Maxim Simic. A serial killer, NYPD, drama story.
Batman Legends Of Gotham #1 – Andy Diggle writes a new Batman story. What is not to love about this? Karl Mostert art too? Yes, we’re there for all of this. 
Dark Web Finale #1 – Is this really the finale? Probably not, but it’s been a fun ride so far. Writer Zeb Wells and artist Adam Kubert wrap things up. For now….?

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The Flash The One-Minute War Special #1 – A one-shot featuring the Flash family. Writer Jeremy Adams and artist Sergio Acuna.
Almighty #1 – New mini-series from Image Comics. Story by Edward Laroche and art by Brad Simpson and Edward Laroche. 
DC’s Harley Quinn Romances #1 – We bring up long-time InvestComics fans a lot because we touch on a lot of the same subject matter that seems to come up often, so we find ourselves explaining our views on some things over and over. While we have our loyal fans, we also have lots of new ones all the time too. So, we go on diatribes sometimes regarding topics our older fans have heard already, so they know what’s coming when we begin our essay. With that, we come upon this new release from DC Comics this week. For some reason, it’s only DC doing these types of comics and not Marvel. Let’s preface this first by saying, there is nothing wrong, zero, nada, with romance novels/stories. That said, is this really the right medium for romance stories? Yes, maybe fifty years ago there was a marketplace for this type of genre, but now? The hobby in general is completely dominated by an older male audience now. Once again we must preface by saying that YES, there are females that collect comics, but the majority of this hobby is male-dominant. Let’s not turn this into an “I know women that read comics….”, etc. Yes, we get that, but the reality is on new comic book day at your local shop, mostly male, if not all male. What are the heads of DC thinking here releasing a romance comic relating to superheroes? Most male readers/collectors simply do not care about the romance of Power Girl or the John Constantine mystery tryst. Apollo and Midnighter’s relationship? These are actual stories covered here. This isn’t the first time DC has done this in recent years. There are quite a few romance books thrown in. Why exactly? Looking at the other big publisher, they ain’t doing this at all. And Marvel seems to have more of a pulse of things than DC does. If Marvel doesn’t see a market or a possible market, they really wouldn’t waste their time. Do the heads at DC Comics know something about the demographics most don’t see with a simple eye test? Where is this female audience they’re trying to reach? And yes, yes, there ARE males that want to read these types of stories and that’s great, but the main demo here is probably the female audience, no? But where are they? We think they aren’t there and sure as hell ain’t showing up either. Female readers read romance novels, not romance comics. That’s their bag. The romance book industry numbers prove that. We’re not trying to discourage anyone from buying this comic or any romance-driven book, we’re simply trying to understand the demo they’re trying to reach, it’s a curious thought process more than anything else. Maybe we’re completely off base and there are more males reading romance comics than we think? It’s possible, but not likely. Who knows really? We look forward to seeing the sales numbers on this comic if possible.     
Bloodline Daughter Of Blade #1 – The first solo story of Brielle Brooks. Brielle first appeared in a free comic book day comic last year; Avengers/X-Men #1. It’s relatively cheap considering some of the unnecessary madness that’s gone on for years. Actually, it’s super cheap, but with this new number one comic release, some of the hoarders may price gauge a bit, but buy it now in case writer Danny Lore does something really special here with the solo series and bangs up her first appearance comic.   
Breath Of Shadows #1 – New horror story from writer Rich Douek and artist Alex Cormack. IDW Publishing.
Black Tape #1 – From Artist, Writers & Artisans publishing. Writer Dan Panosian and artist Dalibor Talajic.

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