InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 4-7-10

icfp4710.gifA lot of number one issues come your way this week as InvestComics covers them all for you!  








Hot Picks 4-7-10 

invinreturns1.giftechjacket1_2002.gifThis week Image comics are giving us all a jumping on point, and if you haven’t already been on board, shame on you! Invincible Returns #1 will be a self contained ‘catching up’ story. It’ll bring you up to speed on all the things you need to know before you become a fan. This comic (character) has been one of the most consistent hero books out there out of ALL the comic companies. If you don’t believe turf1.gifavengerstheorigin1.gifnewavengerslukecage1.gifme, then I suggest you pick up IR #1 and you will become a fan. So while contemplating on whether to jump aboard, know that a movie will not be that far behind. Get the first appearance of Markus Sebastian “Mark” Grayson, a.k.a. Invincible in Tech Jacket #1 from 2002. This comic is an absolute gem and should already be in your collection. If not, shame on you! One more thing here, the Invincible Returns #1 will be coming out with 4 different thorandthewarriorsfour.gifpowerpack1_1984.gifcovers and ONE will be the gem here. The great David Finch variant (…got to get him for 10 For The Pros™!) will be proving the rarest of all covers with a 50 to 1 ratio. Buy this, CGC it and hold on to it. This comic and the first appearance will definitely be collector’s items later on. Image will be releasing 8 number one issues that equate to 2 number one issues this week. Turf #1 will ALSO have 4 different covers to coincide with its release. Same principal follows here as did IR #1 with the best ratio variant as the BIG get. This time it’s a rarer 100 to 1 ratio. This variant will be provided by Tommy Lee Edwards. Although this particular variant will probably not have the same demand as the IR #1, it will be a hot variant for a while. The Turf series will fare very well. Marvel will be ultimatecomicsx2.gifworldwarhulks1.gifshield1.gifreleasing 2 number one Avengers books this week. Avengers: The Origin #1 will be done by penciler and cover artist Phil Noto who is featured this week on InvestComics™ 10 For The Pros™. Also this week will be New Avengers: Luke Cage #1 brought to you by penciler and cover artist Eric Canete, whom is ALSO going to be featured on 10 For The Pros™! Way back in 1984 came a hot book by the name of Power Pack. Power Pack #1 was created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman. This week Power Pack joins Thor in Thor and the Warriors Four #1. Marvel gives us all the sense that Power pack will be going through some serious changes in this series. Will it mean anything for that Power Pack #1 issue from 1984? Well, not too sure with this one, but if you look closely in your 50 cents bins at your local comic shop and find one, it’s not much of a risk here at all. The least you end up with is shieldjs_4_.gifa vintage Louise Simonson/June Brigman story, a fun story and a first appearance from 26 years ago. Speaking of vintage, S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 hits shelves this week. It’s not so much that this character is vintage but it brings up an awesome excuse to display and praise Jim Steranko’s Nick Fury from the 60’s. Look at that Fury cover from issue #4 from 1968, classic my friends, absolute beauty here. I always live by the motto “In order to truly appreciate the modern day you must first appreciate and understand the past.” Jim Steranko really raised the bar with Fury and has been one of the toughest tasks to follow in his steps. Dustin Weaver will have the honor to do just that in this latest Fury book. We all look forward to checking out the new S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 comic. Ultimate Comics X #2 brings “Karen” into the forefront. Check out what her deal is this week. World War Hulks #1 brings in the most shocking conspiracies the Marvel universe has ever seen. What could this be? Check that out this week as well.



Here are some extra Hot Picks heading your way next week……  






See you all next week, Invest Wisely.

Jay Katz

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