Hot Picks Top 5 #74
Every week before new comic book day, here are the Top 5 NEW comics to speculate/read from this Wednesday. This list is pulled straight from the latest (weekly) InvestComics Hot Picks article. Hot Picks Top 5 based on InvestComics Hot Picks #436 and new comics coming this Wednesday 8/10/16.
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Before reading ahead, we feel we need to warn you that our articles contain very harsh truths in them. Not vulgar language, just a good solid dose of honesty. They always have, they always will. If you are easily offended, cannot come to terms that other people have opinions too beside yourself and especially if you’re a fanboy, discontinue reading. Go back to the other places selling you the farm. This is NOT the place for you. We’re here to have fun and not lie to you. Thank you and enjoy!
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Norman #3 – Each of the previous two comics sold out before this one. This one has sold out too! Titan Comics has a hit on their hands.
All-Star Batman #1 – We’re going to love reading this new Batman book. And we’re loving that Jock variant too!
Superwoman #1 – The very talented Phil Jimenez will write and draw this new Superwoman series. It’s going to be fantastic.
Deathstroke Rebirth #1 – Writer Christopher Priest starts things off with the Deathstroke Rebirth comic. This series will be a definite get each month. You must get this on your pull list.
Spider-Man Deadpool #8 – Marvel’s solicit says the same thing we’ve been saying since issue number one of this series. Buy it. Every issue sells out and we’ve told speculators this series is a no-brainer. Two of Disney’s biggest characters in their library. Put them together in a monthly team-up book and watch it fly off the shelf. And we predicted a while ago, you heard this HERE first….wait until they do a Spider-Man, Deapool, Spider-Gwen, Gwenpool team-up. Those variants will go for a heavy aftermarket premium.
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Here are the rest of the comics appearing in this week’s InvestComics Hot Picks #436. Click the link to read now!
IC 100 Club Pick: Justice League #40 (2015) 9.8
DC Comics Presents Annual #2 (1983)
All New All Different Avengers Annual #1
Sons Of Anarchy Redwood Original #1
Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo & Boomerang #1
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Carpe Diem.
Jay Katz – Social Media Strategist