InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 4-29-09
Hot Picks has a bunch of quick hits for this week, including one very nasty bear! Come inside and enjoy the rapid firing Teddy Bear and Hot Picks.
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #5 Does the Ultimate universe still exist? If it does and anyone cares, this comic gives us a first appearance of the Ultimate She-Hulk.
Captain America Theater Of War Brother In Arms (One Shot) An all new story with the original Cap, Steve Rogers.
Mr Stuffins #1 In a re-release of sorts. This comic was a big success over 2 years ago at many comic conventions across the states. The Teddy bear secret agent comes back this week with a vengeance. Don’t miss this one. It’s a hit from BOOM! Studios.
Skaar #10 If you’re not collecting Skaar, you should be. Greg Pak is creating an entire Hulk universe, so get in on the early years here. Skaar is going to be around for a long time…….
Dark Avengers #4 Red hot series continues this week….
The Complete Dracula #1 Dynamite Entertainment brings the first full/complete story of Dracula. The 112 year old story gets told from start to finish. Has this been done before? If Dynamite say this is the first time, I guess we’ll believe them.
Here are some other Comics to look at this Wednesday……
See you all next week.
Invest Wisely.
Jay Katz