Astonishing X-Men #26 Part 2 of the new mega team of Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi. Part 1 sold out quick and is on its way this week with a 2nd print. This comic will be a sell out as well, so don’t wait too long to pick this one up.
Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe This comic has a long history of being one of the best one shots ever made. The original one shot back in 1995 was the first time Garth Ennis ever wrote a Frank Castle story. Needless to say Ennis has made himself out to be a fan favorite when it comes to writing Punisher stories. Get the original and store it in a nice place. Get this reprint this week and READ it. You’ll love it. One more thing, if you can get your hands on the secret Skrull Variant buy it and sell together with the original 1995 issue, it will punish on the bids!
Secret Invasion Inhumans #1 Here’s a Hot Pick that will probably pay off next year. Written by TV’s Heroes Joe Pokaski, this comic according to Marvel is going to set up some major events for 2009. So get this comic now instead of trying to beat everyone else to the long boxes when that event starts shaping up.
Batman #679 What more can possibly be said about this storyline that has not been said already here at InvestComics every single week? R.I.P. has become THE Batman event of the summer. Actually, it has become THE DC event of the year! Give kudos to DC for delivering an outstanding comic. Grant Morrison is on top of his game and Batman fans are along for the ride! And look at that Variant from Tony Daniels, TD is on top of HIS game as well.
Others to watch for………
Welcome To Hoxford #1 Horror writer/artist extraordinaire Ben Templesmith gives his newest creation. Read this one with dim lights, the future looks bright for this comic.