InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 1-18-12

Welcome to InvestComics Hot Picks 1-18-12 

Jumping right into this week’s books, Uncanny X-Force #20 begins a 4 part saga “The Trail of Fantomex”. The first part features guest Captain Britain. The character was first introduced in the UK (naturally right?) in 1976. Captain Britain #1 debuted with writer Chris Claremont and artist Herb Trimpe. A beautiful creative combo here to say the least. You would be hard pressed to find this newspaper weekly in Near Mint condition, but that shouldn’t deter you from owning the first appearance of Britain’s “Captain America”. A mere $30 could get you ownership of this book. Not bad at all considering the possible upside to the character. Upside pertaining to all of the re-launch possibilities, the movie possibilities, and the fact that Marvel hasn’t really had a breakout overseas of a “non-American” character in a while. Why else would Marvel throw out Captain Britain if they weren’t seeing what the potential market value is on him? If the demand is there, we may see more CB, if not, maybe Marvel is planning on putting forth the initial steps to try and break him out…. (again). Excalibur anyone? Cap’s first U.S. appearance came along in Marvel Team-Up #65 (1977). This comic (a reprint from the UK, redone) could be found in the 1 dollar long boxes at your local comic shop or Convention.

The British run on CB has one very interesting issue if you’re not aware of it. Captain Britain #8 features the first appearance Betsy Braddock. Who’s Betsy? Well if you’re an X-Man fan, (or a comic fan) you’d know that Betsy is also Pyslocke. This issue is the bigger prize (monetarily) within the CB run at $50, although the better value probably may lie in the number one issue. Maybe the British invasion will happen one day in the Marvel Universe, if it does it’ll start with Captain Britain.  

Staying with Marvel for a couple of more books here, Uncanny X-Men #5 introduces readers to a NEW Marvel universe, and that’s always a lot fun! The new abode is called Tabula Rasa. (And by the way, Tabula Rasa is not a fictionally made up “word, place, thing” in case you’re wondering. If you want to impress some of your friends click HERE to get the meaning and win prizes by betting with them! Thank us later!). The thing about new universes within a comic book company and or story opens up a broader possibly of bringing in new characters, new villains, etc. That said however, it usually does not equate to a collector’s item. Case in point Planet Hulk, Greg Pak did a divine job introducing an entire new universe with not much fanfare afterward, but he did open that proverbial door.

The last Marvel comic this week to cover is Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #6. This one introduces the NEW Ultimate Scorpion (for the second or third time, but who’s counting?). 

DC’s Legion of Super-Heroes #5 brings a Legend on board for a single issue. Artist Walt Simonson graces us all with his amazing style. If you’re in the mood to have some fun you can look for Legion of Super-Heroes #94 from 1997, that’s the first Simonson Legion. He penciled 2 issues. Issue number 94 and 100. Yes they were both collaborating efforts, but a Legion book nonetheless.

Supergirl deals with a villain named Maxima in her 5th issue. Find Maxima’s first appearance in Action Comics #645 (1989) from another legend George Perez. 

…..On the topic of George Perez and legends. George will be appearing alongside Paul Levitz and Alex Saviuk in a Hero’s Initiative event at Tate’s Comics in Lauderhill Florida. InvestComics will go down and bring back some footage for you. Be sure to check that out. Questions for the legends anyone? Don’t be shy….

For more details on this big event, visit Tate’s Comic shop right HERE

Below are the covers of the week! 12 in all, wow pictures!


See you next week.

Invest wisely.

Jay Katz

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