InvestComics Comic Hot Picks 8-24-11

The big 2 take a bit of a back seat this week as the Independents have some very interesting books coming out.

IDW leads the way this week with a new series. In the immortal words of Chuck D from Public Enemy “Don’t call it a comeback”, they never really left. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 will once again reign upon the comic book world. With 5 covers coming out, each with a solo of our favorite Ninja, and one with a team, the collector gets to hand pick which Turtle they support most. Rock the vote people! (Scroll through the covers below after this article). TMNT are going to be back in a big way, so will the first issue (first appearance) from 1984 (Mirage) priced at $2200 (Comics Price Once the momentum shifts towards Turtle power again, look for the 1984 comic to swing to the $2500/$3000 area. Cowabonga dudes! (Sorry had to).

Moonstone Comics gets in on the action of reaching back into the vaults, but go further back than 1984 to 1981. Justice Machine #1 from Noble Comics comes in at only $10 (Comics Price The new number one issue this week will be only $3.99. So with calculations here, $13.99 would get you the very first appearance of Justice Machine and the latest! Justice Machine comics back in the 80’s were fun superhero comics and you should try to search for them at your local shop or next comic show in your area.

Dark Horse Presents #3 features a new story from Dave Gibbons, Paul Chadwick, Neal Adams, a 13 page preview of “Red Tide” written and penciled by legend Jim Steranko, and a variant cover by Jim Steranko. 100 pages of total awesomeness from Dark Horse here folks.


Two more Independent comics to check out this week, Image Comics Anne Rice’s Serpent of the Bones #1 and Archie #624 with an appearance by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg.

Greg Pak end his Hulk run in style with Incredible Hulks #635. This issue is so special that it’ll have 4 covers and “pak” 48 pages. Looks like a fun read with a very big finale. Remember when The Ultimates #1 came out from Millar and Hitch a few years back? This week The Ultimates make their return in a new number one issue Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1 from Loeb and Cho. You decide…….

DC’s Superman Beyond #0 will make some noise. Don’t miss it. And a milestone is met in Teen Titans #100.

Check out the covers of the week below (And the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles covers as well!).

Invest wisely.

Jay K

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