InvestComics Hot Picks #300

NEW InvestComics Hot Picks every week before New Comic Day on Wednesday!

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(Disclaimer: all comic recommendations are from a speculative vantage point. Not all comics are to guarantee a return on your investment. This article is used as a guide for investments and more so for entertainment purposes. Any opinions or expression of investments should be used as a judgment upon the investor, not InvestComics. Please use your own discretion when investing and have fun.)

Welcome to the InvestComics Hot Picks

Teen Titans #44 (2)Teen Titans #44 (1)Welcome to the 300th InvestComics Hot Picks article. Although Ratchet City Comics and InvestComics didn’t have a chance to give away the awesome Star Wars signature series 9.8 (signed by Brian Wood) graded comic, we’re going to try for another plateau. This time If we can reach 2000 likes by January 20th (my birthday), the payoff will be a signed Tales of the Teen Titans #44 by George Perez! Yes that’s right, the first appearance of Nightwing signed by George Perez can be yours if we get to 2000 likes by January 20 2014. All those who have already shared the InvestComics page are already eligible, we encourage everyone else to share the InvestComics Facebook page to make this happen. Pictured to the right are photos of the actual comic and George Perez holding the book you could win! So it’s my birthday, but I’m in a giving mood! Let’s get to 2000!

A question was recently posted on the all new InvestComics Facebook page: Investing in Comic books 101. The best holiday investment comic of all time? Samurai Santa #1? Yes or No? This is one of the many cool question posted on the page. There is also opinions and talk from different investors about the comic book hobby. If you’re a regular here, you should really head on over to the page and join in. Click HERE to go directly there now.

InvestComics Hot PicksNew Release Comics on 12/25/13

Ho ho ho! Variant comics are plentiful this week!

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So what will Santa bring to the new comic book releases this week? One thing Marvel Comics will be sending looks a lot like 19 variants on one new release. Yes, no mistype there folks, 19 variants to accompany the release of Avengers (2012 5th Series) #24.1. What gives here Marvel? Is this really necessary?? Well from a pure business point it totally is. The money grab is in and guess what? You can play a part in the money grab too! It will cost you to lay out a few bucks, but the return might be worth it. There are three grand prize variants to check out on new comic day when it comes to “Rouge Planet #1”. Simone Bianchi holds two of these cards. There is an extremely rare incentive sketch cover for about $75 from Simone. The second grand prize is the Agustin Alessio incentive variant cover. A $50 price tag on that one. And the last variant goes back to Simone. It’s the color version of his sketch cover. That one will set you back only $35. Get any of these signed and graded a 9.8 or higher, you’ll be looking at a decent return.

Wolverine: The Origin #1 in 2001 was a rousing success. So now 12 years later we get Origin II (2013) #1. Haven’t we had enough of the origin stories with Wolverine already? Seems every four months a new revelation comes forth about Wolverines past. “Is Wolverine man or beast?” Yes that’s what the solicitation reads. Haven’t we been down this road before? Okay, enough picking on the Canadian eh. There are two variants the collector should get their hands on here. The first being Adam Kubert’s incentive sketch cover ($75) and the second is from Salvador Larroca ($35). Follow the same rules as previous stated for the Avengers book.

The last of our variant coverage this week deals with Forever Evil (2013 DC) #4. There are two beauties here; a $20 Deathstroke vs Lex Luthor variant and a super duper rare David Finch incentive sketch cover for $160. Both of these variants totally rock! Rules apply as previously mentioned to maximize your dollar on these variants as well.

A very exciting team-up will be occurring for anime fans this week. Robotech Voltron (2013 Dynamite) #1. For anime fans, I’m quite sure they already know the first time Robotech and Voltron hit the comic scene, but for those who may not know here’s the scoop. Voltron’s first comic book came in Voltron #1 (Modern Comics) in 1984. Robotech first came onto the comic book scene in DC’s Sampler #3 in January of 1984 as Robotech Defenders. The comic was an obvious sampler of comics that were to come out via the DC Comics line. The actual full length Robotech Defenders comic book didn’t debut until January 1985. So with that, Comico was the first to actually have a Robotech comic with Robotech The Macross Saga #1 in December of 1984. That’s the lowdown and according to our awesome Terry Hoknes here at InvestComics, Robotech Voltron #1 is about to be sold out.

And another almost sold out comic this week to check out; Deceivers (2013 Boom) #1.

Happy holiday’s. Invest wisely.    

Jay Katz

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