InvestComics Hot Picks #390
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Hot Picks based on new comics coming this Wednesday 9/23/15
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Click the RED links or comic covers to purchase the comic on Ebay.
Here is the latest Sal’s Minute of Mediocrity #2 Episode. Only from InvestComics!
Here is a this week’s InvestComics Hot Picks #390 via mobile/video.
A few comic covers to talk about this week. Greg Hildebrandt delivers a fabulous variant cover for Deadpool vs. Thanos #2. The regular cover on Fury S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 by Mike Deodato Jr. is sweet. Years Of Future Past #5 rips the cover from The Uncanny X-Men #141 (1981).
Click the RED links or comic covers to purchase the comic on Ebay.
The Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #19 variant cover seems very familiar. Paying homage to the Incredible Hulk #1 (1962)! Artist Rebekah Isaacs does a wonderful job. None of these variants are available on Ebay at the release of this article.

There’s a new Star Wars comic to pick up this week; Kanan The Last Padawan #6.
Other comics to check out this Wednesday; Wilds End Enemy Within #1 from Boom Studios. An introduction of a new character from our friends up north; Chapter House Publishing, Pitiful Human Lizard #1. Exit Generation #1 from Comix Tribe is sold out. Devils Due Publishing Squarriors #4 hits this Wednesday. It’s the final issue of that mini-series. A new series from Red 5 Comics looks very interesting; Seven Percent #1.

Valiant Entertainment continue their amazing run with Book Of Death #3. Two variants to check out, one by Pere Perez and the other by Paolo Rivera. Great storytelling, great art, great covers and they did happen to sign a deal with Sony pictures if anyone has forgotten.
Click the RED links or comic covers to purchase the comic on Ebay.
Dark Horse’s Power Cubed #1 will be a hit if fans know about it. A great story and art created by Aaron Lopresti.

Invest wisely. Read comics.
Carpe Diem.
Jay Katz
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