Marvel at C2E2: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade

Marvel has announced a followup to Young Avengers by the original creative team, as the Young Avengers search for the Scarlet Witch!

At C2E2’s Cup o Joe panel with Marvel Editor in Chief Joe Quesada and his editorial crew, a new series called Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, starring the Young Avengers and featuring the original Young Avengers creative team of Alan Heinberg and Jim Cheung! The series will feature the Young Avengers reuniting with the mentors and the X-Men on a quest to find The Scarlet Witch! IGN has an interview with Heinberg, which you can read at the link below. Here’s a snippet:

IGN Comics: Allan, you’ve been planning a return to the Young Avengers for several years. Was Children’s Crusade a story you’d been planning since you left the series? Has this story evolved considerably since you originally conceived it?

Allan Heinberg: The premise for Avengers: The Children’s Crusade – the Young Avengers’ quest to find the Scarlet Witch – was one that Jim Cheung and I had originally pitched for our Young Avengers book. We’re extremely grateful to Marvel for patiently waiting for us to be able to tell it – and for allowing us to evolve it into a full-scale Marvel Universe event. As a result, the scale of the story – the large cast of characters – and the story’s overall impact on the Marvel Universe is much larger than we’d originally envisioned.

Children’s Crusade takes readers all over the Marvel Universe and involves an enormous cast of principal characters, guest stars, and cameos. It’s a wide-screen event that profoundly affects the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Marvel Universe at large.

The interview sheds a lot of light on the series, which is shaping up to very interesting, so be sure to read the full thing!

Marvel at C2E2: Avengers: The Childrens Crusade

Source: IGN
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Posted originally: 2010-04-18 04:12:24

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