Meet Comic Legends: From Old Lady Harley to Bloodwraith on Key Comic Thursday

Welcome to episode twenty-two of InvestComics Key Comic Thursday, where we delve into the corners of comic history to uncover first appearances that range from the awe-inspiring to the downright quirky. This week’s lineup has something for everyone, whether you’re into undersea adventures or post-apocalyptic antics.

1993, Marvel Comics Avengers Annual #22, meet Bloodwraith. Because what’s a superhero team without a new mystical antagonist to keep things interesting? It’s like the Avengers just can’t have a quiet year. 1964, Sub-Mariner #33 where we first meet Namora. It seems the ocean’s big enough for more than one royal, and Namora’s here to prove just how regal underwater life can be. 2018, Harley Quinn #42, we encounter Old Lady Harley. Think of it as Harley Quinn meets ‘Mad Max’—because even in a dystopian future, Harley’s still having more fun than anyone else. In Robin #126 from 2004, Stephanie Brown shakes up Gotham by taking on the mantle of Robin. It’s about time the Girl Wonder stepped out of the shadows and into the spotlight, showing Gotham that heroism isn’t just a boys’ club. 1984 brought us Power Pack #1, where the first appearance of the team shows that superpowers aren’t just for adults. These kids are here to fight villains and maybe argue about bedtime, proving that size really doesn’t matter when it comes to saving the world.

There you have it, another thrilling episode packed with comic book milestones. Tune in next week for more fantastic firsts and superhero surprises on InvestComics Key Comic Thursday!

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