10 Questions with Mike Perkins

1mikeperk10ftpPICMike Perkins takes a ‘Stand’ on 10 for the Pros.




(Bio taken from www.mikeperkinsart.com)

Mike Perkins believes that he first picked up a comic at the age of two – swiftly followed by a pencil and
a piece of paper. There are vivid memories of illustrating a striking full-figure resemblance of the Lone
Ranger in nursery class – which must place him at , about, four years old.
Jump ahead eight years and the young Mike Perkins is making his own anthology comics ( Future
Tense, Warp 10), photocopying them and selling them at school during lunchtime – with a cunningly
attached fun-size Mars bar offered as further incentive to the hungry hordes.
Fast forward another three years and, having been nurtured on a steady diet of 2000ad, Captain Britain
and Doctor Who monthly, Mike Perkins – now working a Saturday job in a local comic shop – is not only
exposed to a wider world of comics but also to the professional side of the industry when attending
comic markets around England.
After attending Bournville College of Art, Mike Perkins enrols in a business course in order to
understand the whole caboodle of self employment – setting himself up as a graphic designer and
illustrator. During this time he works on promotional materials, books, magazines, album designs and
computer game development . In 1993 he meets up with Temple Rogers Artists Agents and his comics
and illustrating career is kick started.
Commissions in 2000ad for Future Shocks and Judge Dredd stories are swiftly accompanied by
illustrations featured in educational texts, childrens books and teen reader titles. While living in Poland
Mike Perkins is consistently continuing to create in titles for Marvel UK, Henderson Publishing, Dorling
Kindersley and Caliber Comics as well as further work for 2000ad and Nowa Fantastyka.
After returning to England with his wife, Izabella, Mike Perkins proceeds to pick up more book
illustration assignments from A&C Black and comic strip work from Games Workshop and Rebellion,
as well as inking commissions from DC and Dark Horse comics. This work grabs the attention of
fledgling comic company – CrossGen.
A move to Florida is facilitated and Mike Perkins works alongside a whole studio of talented creators on
titles such as Ruse, CrossGen Chronicles, Way of the Rat, Archards Agents and the co-created Kiss Kiss
Bang Bang.
Mike Perkins is now working for The House of Ideas – Marvel Comics – where, as well as working on
world-renowned icons Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four and Elektra, he has also co-created SpellBinders
alongside Mike Carey (with whom he first joined forces on Caliber’s Dr.Faustus). He has currently
collaborated on the most recent acclaimed run of Captain America, penciling and inking alternate story
arcs of the title in addition to embellishing the art of Steve Epting during the accompanying issues. In
additiom to this seirs Mike was concurrently working on X-Men: Endangered Species, Union Jack,
Marvel Christmas Specials, HoM:Avengers and various short stories.

His hard work and natural talent has now led to his illustrating of the Marvel Comics adaptation of
Stephen King’s epic novel The Stand.

Welcome to 10 for the Pros Mr. Perkins!

10 for the Pros

Mike Perkins – Artist/Inker 

Click on the banner to be directed to the official Mike Perkins page.



1ampcap10ftp1. What comic (character) would you love to have total creativity control over?  And why?

(MP) Deathlok. He has a lot of potential and amazing visuals.

2. If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?

(MP) Invisibility.

3. Do you have a routine that you follow before or during work?

(MP) Up at 6am and start work.

1amperkironm10ftp4. Who is your favorite creator to work with?

(MP) Too many to single out – But I’ll always have time for Mike Carey.

5. In your opinion, do you feel that the movie industry is doing a good job with the Comic Book movies?

(MP) Recently, yes.

6. What comic book hero/villain do you want to see on screen?

(MP) Looking forward to Captain America.


7. “If I wasn’t in the comic book industry, I would be working….”?

(MP) As an Illustrator.

1amperkredskul10ftp8. What advice could you give a creator trying to break into the industry?

(MP) Practice. Draw every day.

9. “My Best investment in life was……”

(MP) The time and effort put into my work.

1amperkSTAND110ftp10. Have anything you’d like to plug?

(MP) The Stand.

Bonus Questions!

Who were your influences breaking into the Industry?

(MP) Brian Bolland, Steve Dillon.

Digital or Paper?

(MP) Paper. 










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