Ostrander benefit Auction raises $31,000!





The Comix4sight auction in aid of Suicide Squad and Star Wars writer John Ostrander has raised $31,000 and counting, there are plenty of awesome pieces of artwork left, why not help out?

Official Press Release:

 “The Comix4Sight.com
benefit for comics veteran John Ostrander has raised $31,322.00 thus
far,” committee co-chairperson Mike Gold revealed today. “And we still
have more than 100 great pieces of original art, signed books and
prints, and manuscripts to auction off!”

“Contributions are continuing to pour in, even after the benefit at the Chicago Comic-Con,”
program coordinator Adriane Nash stated. “In the past several days,
we’ve received material from Paul Gulacy, Jason Owen, golden age great
Fran Matera, the cast of The Simpsons, and so much more.”

auction held last week at the Chicago Comic-Con raised half the current
total in about two hours,” Nash continued. “We wouldn’t have had time
to present everything if we had all night.

“Details about the upcoming auctions, including a full schedule of sales, will be posted online at www.comix4sight.com
beginning Wednesday August 19th. As we’ve stated, we will donate any
excess revenue to other comics professionals suffering from major
vision issues or to The Hero Initiative, whose help and assistance has
been critical to our success,” Nash concluded.

A 27-year veteran of the comics field, Ostrander is undergoing a
series of operations and medical treatments to fight off blindness and
glaucoma. “The response from the entire comics community has been
overwhelming,” Gold noted. “The cost of these John’s procedures has
been through the roof and are only partially covered by insurance.”

Comix4Sight.com committee includes Nash, Gold, writer Gail Simone, and
getthepointradio.com’s Mike and Kai Raub. Auctioneers included
comicmix.com’s Glenn Hauman, WGN-AM radio news director Charlie
Meyerson, artist Hilary Barta and comics / movie attorney Ken Levin.
Monetary contributions would also be gratefully accepted by check or
through PayPal at www.comix4sight.com. Individuals and corporations interested in making contributions should send them to:

Mike Gold and Adriane Nash


304 Main Avenue, #194

Norwalk, CT 06851

A full list of contributors will be posted at www.comix4sight.com.



Posted originally: 2009-08-13 17:50:39

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