Release Date for Kick-Ass
Lionsgate Studios announced a release date for the movie adaptation of the Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. comic book on Twitter today.
The tweet :
***twitter exclusive*** KICK-ASS releases 4/16/10… EXPENDABLES arrive 8/20/10… and GAMER hits theaters THIS FRIDAY!!!
Looks like an April 6th release for Kick-Ass, which stars Nicholas Cage and is dirrected by Matthew Vaughan. MTV News spoke with John Romita Jr. about an animated sequence he contributed to the movie, telling the origin of Nicholas Cage’s character: Big Daddy.
"The animated sequence is about a minute, minute and a half, and it’s a
very wild computer program that allows us to do this," Romita told MTV
News . "I don’t need to do as many drawings as you think, but they’re
able to do the animation with models that I’ve drawn."
Source: Twitter , MTV News
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Posted originally: 2009-09-02 12:41:24