Review: Army of Darkness: Furious Road #1

Army of Darkness: Furious Road #1 – Click to Buy/Bid

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Army of Darkness: Furious Road #1
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Nancy A. Collins
Pencils: Kewber Baal
Colors: Schimerys Baal
Letters: Simon Bowland

(Click on the comic cover or red link to buy/bid from ALL available Ebay sellers)

Visually this comic takes it all the way down a Furious Michigan road, with art supplied by the Brazilian husband and wife team of Kewber and Shimerys Baal on pencils and Colors respectively, and words supplied by veteran novelist and comics extraordinaire, Nancy A. Collins who is very well know for her prose series, Vamps, and has done such notable comics as Swamp Thing and Jason vs. Leatherface.  It seems to me that nobody captures horror quite like a southerner, and with a the brazillian team on Art they went deep south on this one, but Collins and the Baals take a Furious Road north to Michigan taking on the latest instalment in the comics life of Ashley Williams in, Army of Darkness: Furious Road!  They waste no time in getting to the action as we see a car chase out of Detroit, imbued with action points straight out of Mad Max.  Dracula’s Daughter leads a team of monsters that include a mage, Frankensteins monster, a Werewolf, a Gargoyle a Nun and a Priest, as they fight their way to exactly where anyone would go 20 years after an Apocalyptic event; S-mart of course!

Now Previously many of us out here in comic review-land thought this comic was a silent one, but do not fear, this one has words a plenty, and Nancy A. weaves a gothic spark into this colourful tale, but that glimpse of the unlettered art, gave me a chance to really take in the Kewber’s pencil work and Schimerys’ colors, and I was amazed at how clearly the story read with nothing but pictures, I was so amazed, I wish this team would try a silent comic now! I’ve definitely become a fan of the Baals!  One of the things I love about this job is that I get to see so many great creators, and Kewber Baal really has some strong story chops, it’s obvious the writer and artist have some really great communication going on here, and it’s always nice to see this happening, especially on an issue number 1, So I am guessing it’s only going to keep getting better form here.

However it’s not all sunshine and roses, and there were a few things that didn’t completely work for me when I saw the words on the page, the words themselves were nice, unfortunately though, the sharp vectors that were set up in the Art were broken a bit with the captions and balloons, this happens sometimes, but I hope that in the future the balloon placement plus the story flow a bit more, because this looks like a really great ride, Army of Darkness: Furious Road is a fast paced genre mixing adrenaline rush and fans of the comics medium and monster stories should put this on their “to buy list” this week. So shop smart,  and shop, S-mart!

Ian Powers is an American film Director and Producer based in China, who has a passion for Comics and stories well told. He is currently developing several film and Animation projects and now he’s thinking seriously about writing comics.  

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