Review – Gutter Magic #2

Gutter Magic #2
Gutter Magic #2 – Click to Buy/Bid

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Gutter Magic #2

IDW Publishing
Writer:  Rich Douek
Pencils:  Brett Barkley
Color: Jules Rivera
Letterer: Nic J. Shaw

(Click on the comic cover or red link to buy/bid from ALL available Ebay sellers)

The books that are coming out of the new Comics Experience imprint with IDW are really hitting all the bases here, if Gutter Magic is any sort of indication of whats to come, I think we’re going to see some regular spaces reserved on the racks, and Gutter Magic#2  needs the space!  Right into the action, and picking up where we last left Cinder and Blacktooth, writer Rich Douek and artist Brett Barkley, continue to weave the spell that they cast on us in the completely sold out Gutter Magic #1. I hope you got your copy of that one!  But if you didn’t, be sure to pick up Number 2, because this one cranks the story up to the next level! It’s all too often you see issue one making this amazing splash, and then issue 2 drops off and lags, along with sales, but not so here, reader!  The wonderful cliffhanger that was set up in the last issue, was expertly resolved with one of the best hooks I’ve seen done outside of a first issue, and then our heroes are off on the rest of their adventure.  The plotting is solid, and the pacing is extremely well thought out. I read this one twice, once only looking at the art, and again with the full word/image experience, and the clarity of the visual information storytelling is on point, and nicely coupled with distinct character voices. Everything is clear, but you never know what to expect next.  Rich and Brett, expertly beefed up and exposed even more of the tantalising world they teased us with in #1, further deepening the mythos with compelling new characters and skyscraper scaling stakes in this instalment of their magical alternate Earth quest.  Keep your eyes on Rich Douek, he’s got the kind of storytelling chops that you see in people that end up being known as Mike Mignola or J.K. Rowling.  This little story has been breaking the internet with all the buzz, so if #2 sells out as fast as # 1 did, it’s going to be really hard to get your hands on these in the future. You might just feel like some kind of unlucky comic bastard missing out on the opportunity to pick this one up in the knowledge that fate had plopped you in a time when such sequentially artistic gold was being published. Grab it, read, put it in plastic, spray it with mom repellant, and lock it in a safe, because it might not ever be 2016 ever again!

Ian Powers is an American film Director and Producer based in China, who has a passion for Comics and stories well told. He is currently developing several film and Animation projects and now he’s thinking seriously about writing comics.  

You can follow him on twitter if you like and see what happens


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