10 Questions with Rob Guillory






The Image comic sensation Chew, with artist Rob Guillory giving InvestComics his take on the rapid fire session of 10 For the Pros…


10 For The Pros™


Rob Guillory – Artist/Inker/Colorist










My name is Rob Guillory. I make art for comics, children’s books and whatever else gets thrown at me. Pinch me. Greatest job on Earth.rgpic.gif

1. What are you working on(creatively)right now?

(RG) I’m working on a monthly series called *CHEW* for Image Comics right now. Doing all the art, pencils, inks and colors on that, so it’s pretty much a full-time job by itself. 

2. If you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?

(RG) I’d want the power to stop time. Kinda like Hiro from *Heroes*. But without all the lame time paradox storyline. I’d use it to stretch deadlines! 

rg1.gif3. Do you have a routine that you follow before or during work? rg4.gif

(RG) Sometimes. I’m usually a morning person. I make coffee, have a little breakfast, enjoy the morning with my wife a bit, then get started around 8 or 9am and try to finish up around 6pm. I keep my routine fairly flexible, since it’s very easy for routines to become boring. Some days I work at my studio in downtown Lafayette, LA. And on the days I refuse to put on pants, I work at home. Really, it just depends on how I feel that day.


4. Who is your favorite creator to work with?

(RG) John Layman (my writer on *CHEW*) is the shit. Best, most professional writer I’ve ever worked with. He’s just a lot of fun and really trusts what I bring to the project.

rg8.gif5. In your opinion, do you feel that the movie industry is doing a good job with the Comic Book movies?

(RG) Sometimes. For every *Spiderman 2*, there’s an *X-Men 3*. 

6. What comic book hero/villain do you want to see on screen?

(RG) Mason Savoy, duh!


rg7.gif7. Which part of your job do you find most stressful?

(RG) Deadlines. No matter how great a work schedule you come up with, there’s no way to prepare when “real life” attacks. 

8. What advice could you give a creator trying to break into the industry?

(RG) Work your ass off. Don’t have an ego. Be nice. Go to cons and network! 

9. “My best Investment in life was…….”

(RG) Investing in my dreams, as cheesy as that sounds. I worked SO many crappy jobs to fund trips to comic cons and whatnot. But it was absolutely the best thing I could’ve done.

rg5.gif 10. Have anything you’d like to plug?

(RG) Read *CHEW*! It gets better every issue.




Bonus Questions!

Who were your influences breaking into the Industry?

(RG) Everyone from Chuck Jones, John Buscema, John Romita Jr. and Steve Ditko to Jim Mahfood, Dave Crosland and Gabriel Ba. Way too many to list. 

Digital or Paper?

(RG) Both. I prefer to do everything by hand, but there are just some things that I can only achieve via Photoshop. I find that a marriage between the two is best. If you have the fundamentals down, the digital stuff is just a nice cherry on top. 

Thanks Rob!  









 Jay Katz


About Post Author

92 thoughts on “10 Questions with Rob Guillory

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