Comic Broker Report – A CHRISTMAS QUICKIE
I’m too busy buying comics this month to really hit you with any more goodies than what I have here. Enjoy the holidays comic collectors!
Finally S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and it’s famous leader are returning to the silver screen! It’s odd but S.P.E.C.T.R.E. didn’t appear in comic form until this TPB which collects newspaper comics of Bond and his villainous foes!
Firestorm appears on The CW’s Flash and his comics start to move. Here is Firestorm’s first Flash cover and first appearance within a Flash comic.
Could this be the first appearance of Lark? Snyder won’t say but I am betting on yes. Grab this rare printing of Duke Thomas’s first!
It seems like every month I find a GOTG key I completely overlooked. Even though the Broker had a limited roll in the Marvel film this is his first appearance.
Daisy Johnson is all the rage. With copies of Secret War 2 selling well on Ebay collectors should start to look for other keys featuring Quake. She gets her handle here.
The Titans show has been changed to The Outsiders?! Well not quite. Another network may have been forced to change it’s title due to the upcoming DC TV show. Issue one on the acclaimed Winick series , the Outsiders was heavily printed but the real key here is this mini which led directly into the new Outsiders and Titans series!
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